I've got a wee bit of a confession here... One of my obsessions is donating what ever CPU power I'm not using to scientific research. There are several projects that I'm a participant in, but there are only a select few that I'm proud of participating in: Rosetta@home and RALPH@home.
Perhaps a little bit of detail is in order. Both of these projects involve protein strains. Basically, what these projects are doing is to take each protein strain, and figure out what the lowest energy structure of that protein strain is. It does this by folding the protein strain and seeing if it follows the required parameters.
These projects are basically the same, but there are subtle differences in them. Basically, Rosetta@home is where the bulk of the work is performed. If there is work to be done, this is the project that will have it. RALPH@home is where it tests the beta version of Rosetta@home to see if the current version has any potential errors.
What the goal is in these projects is to find cures for diseases. Basically. For example, Alzheimers and Parkensins disease's are protein-based diseases. Basically, the projects involved will take the proteins involved in these diseases and, if possible, try and find a cure for them. If a cure is not possible, then alot can be learned about these diseases.
If you want, you can participate in a team. I'm a team leader myself of both of these projects. My team is "Aftermathonian Productions".
The websites to check out are the following:
If it helps at all, they have a message board for social interactions.
If there is ANYTHING that our Aspie ways can benefit humanity, it'd be this... At least in my oppinion, anyways...