gamefreak wrote:
A thunderstorm came through my area the other day and caused a power surge. I`m getting a computer from my partner that is a 500Mhz Pentium 3 w/ 128Mb OF RAM. The only problem is that the AGP Video Card is shot and he says i might have been the storm. All the other parts work and
he says the only thing i need to replace is the card. Is there anything else i should worry about. I don`t won`t the computer to only last 2 weeks..[I am also replacing the power supply.]
If you're into fixing old computers, get a POST Card (power on self test). I don't know how this guy diagnosed the problem with the AGP card. If it powers on, but with nothing but a blank screen, it could just be the mother board, which means it's dead. AGP card failure alone, due to a power surge is very unlikely. The things that can be damaged by that are: PSU (power supply), Modem (lighting does go through phone wires), or mother board. I'd say salvage the parts from it, maybe use them in another ocmputer (like the hard drive, any pci cards, cd drive, floppy drive, heck, even the ram and processor might be reused, don't forget the heatsink and fan, and jumpers and... aw heck I love this s**t)