Cunfuzed wrote:
Am curious how many people have a special interest in physics or space. Am not sure but it looks like some of you may actually be getting to have an Olympic event with these skills. Reason I say this is I saw something on the news a while back about social security being expected to go broke in 2031. I was a bit puzzled about the predictions of this for a while, but now question if it is no coincidence that I just read a couple of articles that say NASA has just confirmed that a 62-mile meteor is headed out way.
Think of it this way, watch the movie Judgement Day with Suzy Amis and Ice T sort of being a work of fiction that was a few years ahead of it's time with a plot twist, instead of having 3 days to find a weapon to blow up an asteroid after finding the scientist that already designed one, we got 10 years to figure out a design plan and attempt to build one.
I have always been interested in physics and space.My family witnessed the Trinity Test in New Mexico and I am distantly related to Wernher von Braun according to geneology.I would make model rockets as a kid.i became a scientist when i was 3.i love physical and terminal ballistics which is a subset of physics.Terminal ballistics is the academic study of the medical science of gunshot wounds and what happens when certain types of bullets hit.Like my whole family is into that.