MrMark wrote:
More recently, however, scientists have pointed out that the selection of mutations by chance alone would have taken much longer than the age of the earth would allow for.
The original article doesn't say how recently or which scientists. I read a lot about biology, and within the last 20 years the only people I have seen or heard making that claim were creationists. Not a single biologist I know of has ever expressed that opinion either in writing or when talking to me, unless you count the biochemist and creationist Michael Behe, whose basic argument I will happily take apart for anyone who wants me to.
MrMark wrote:
Pauli suggested Jung's concept of synchronicity might account for how stressed organisms could produce changes in physical reality more quickly than by chance.
Pauli died nearly 50 years ago, so he couldn't know recent work which makes an appeal to synchronicity unnecessary. There are at least two mechanisms which very quickly can make genetic variation available to selection. One is the existence of mutational hotspots, regions of the genome where the mutation rate increases very quickly under stress. Their function seems to be to generate variation when the current phenotype doesn't work.
Then there are chaperone proteins which help to fold proteins into their correct shape even if there is some genetic variation. The chaperones hide the genetic variation from selection. Under stress, the chaperones do that job less well, the variation comes under selection, and the frequency of genes can then shift quite quickly. In this context, you could say the chaperones let you save up genetic variation which is only released to selection when the current phenotype doesn't work. You don't have to wait for mutations to happen only once things go bad. That speeds up the evolutionary response to environmental change.
I don't know enough about quantum physics to make an informed comment on entanglement. I can only say that in none of the discussions of entanglement I have come across in the last 5 years has anyone ever mentioned Jung's concept of synchronicity. So I intend to remain sceptical for now.