Of course, Apple has a tradition of making its PowerBooks very high end, and thus they are very good quality-wise. They have had their fair share of problems in the past, but Apple is good about replacing the parts or entire computer when they fail. I thought Sony used to make their laptops higher end too--perhaps not anymore. I used to have a Toshiba--runs very hot and is not compatible with alternative O/S's either; don't buy Toshiba unless it is some high-end, high-quality model that you know will run well. As for my current laptop, I have a new Compaq that I really like. Its specification is for just two hours of battery life; but I wasn't demanding much in terms of battery.
2) The screen looks wonderful but has a coating. The first time you try to clean the screen the coating comes off (all she used was a damp cloth).
That "coating" may have been a plastic protective cover that is common for the displays that are on electronic devices. Once the device is ready to be used, you are supposed to remove it. Leaving it on there might result in it becoming stuck to the display, which I have seen before.