Thanks, both.
I recently had to upgrade a system for a client who wanted something to play some basic games on, but was so slow it was a slog just to use windows at all. It was very similarly spec'd to what OP has now. The most amazing difference was the SSD. It went from a cold boot time of more than a minute, to a cold boot time of about 8 seconds - just from a $25-50 SSD as the boot drive, instead of a spinny-type HDD.
8 GB of RAM is the smallest amount of mem I'd use in a Win10 PC. Also, websites have bloated a LOT over the years, due to the increases in internet bandwidth which can support it.
From what Intel claims, that CPU is in fact LGA1150, meaning it could, in theory, take an i5 4690/K or i7 4790/K (if the motherboard supports it) - either of which, while also old, are robust enough that they can even play modern games. Both are fairly inexpensive these days.
Not sure what OP's level of comfort is when it comes to working on a PC. But old system is old, and isn't likely to be rejuvenated via software. The one caveat I would mention is, if you have any sort of free antivirus like mcafee or norton or avira, or system helpers or similar, do get rid of them. Those can slow systems down, and cause internet issues. Most are fairly useless, some are basically scams, and Win10's built in Defender is pretty good already.
I gather this may be a pre-built machine, and if OP doesn't feel comfortable making hardware changes such as the ones suggested, it might be worth it to upgrade to a somewhat newer machine.