Psychlone wrote:
Anyone else here use it?
I used to use Mepis but it has a few minor problems so I wanted to try something new so I switched to Ubuntu. At first I didn't like it because it is missing alot of things in the default install, like java and mp3 support and alot of other things I took for granted from using Mepis for so long. However, I figured out that those things can be added easily enough if you go to and they can answer all the questions. I am now doing things with Linux I never knew I could before.
It comes with Gnome as the default Desktop environment, which I find to be lacking in features so I installed Kubuntu on top of Ubuntu which adds KDE and now everything looks great.
I have used Ubuntu since i decided to use Linux and ditch that piece of rubbish from the house of Gates. My system has achieved an excellent uptime record while running Ubuntu where as with "you know what" it kept crashing every so often. I've not bothered installing KDE as i seem to do alright with Gnome, i did have to use Synaptic Package Manager to install the compiler and a few other things but that was it. I tried getting my fiancee to ditch "the OS that shall not be named" from her laptop, but she didn't want to. the great thing i find is that it comes with Firefox and XChat, two programs i commonly use, the Gimp image editing software, OpenOffice, and Evolution groupware suite, this means i didn't have to add much though i did need Java and Flash for Firefox but i fixed that problem as soon as i got it.
I give Ubuntu 10/10 (why not, hehe)