Esmerelda Weatherwax wrote:
^^ Meh, you're equating superior technology with superior ethics. That has not exactly worked for this species (cf. Hiroshima and Nagasaki) so it's fallacious to assume that it would for others.
Just as likely they'd find out we taste like chicken* and hunt us to virtual extinction before their brains got in front of their greed. Bison bison, anyone? How about Ectopistes migratorius (the delicious, apparently, and now extinct, passenger pigeon, whose flocks were once so huge they could obscure the sun on a cloudless day)?
*Edit in: apparently, we actually taste like pork. If you are ever offered "long pig", politely decline.
I doubt that our meat would even be edible to aliens. Remember: They come from a different planet with a different atmosphere ... so they likely have alien biochemistry.
If course, this means that they will likely terraform the earth before colonising ... which would kill most life in earth.
Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.