Adobe Software purchase question - re: Illustrator packages

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11 Dec 2007, 3:00 am

I will be taking a class next semester where we will spend the first half using Illustrator CS3, then the remainder we'll use PS.

I purchased PS for this semester but didn't go for the larger packages of multiple software.

I find I do much better with the software available to me outside of our lab hours.

So I am going to purchase Illustrator CS3.

My question is about the different packages.
I'm not sure where I'm going yet with my education... staying with digital media, or going into programming or networking.
Hint... I'm changing careers and I'll be 50y.o. in 3 years.

Anyway, I have these great deals and even though I already have PS, I could give that to my daughter and load the newer package into my MacBook.
I'm not sure I need the whole professional package... I'm not sure my computer has the capability to take on all that stuff.

But I'm looking at the middle packages in the $200-$300 range. I could afford the $500 full-on package, but I'm not sure if it's right for me.

Here's the prices and packages.
If anyone is knowledgeable about these programs and feels like giving me some advice... I'll be glad to listen.

Again... I do better when I have access to these programs outside of our computer lab. I see this purchase as just another college text purchase.



CS3 Production Premium contents: $314
* Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional
* Adobe Premiere Pro CS3
* Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended
* Adobe Flash CS3 Professional
* Adobe Illustrator CS3
* Adobe Soundbooth CS3
* Adobe Encore CS3

CS3 Design Standard contents: $214
*Adobe InDesign CS3
*Adobe Photoshop CS3
*Adobe Illustrator CS3
*Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional

CS3 Master Collection contents: $514
*InDesign CS3
*Photoshop CS3 Extended
*Illustrator CS3
*Acrobat 8 Professional
*Flash CS3 Professional
*Dreamweaver CS3 Professional
*Fireworks CS3
*Contribute CS3
*After Effects CS3 Professional
*Premiere Pro CS3
*SoundBooth CS3
*Encore CS3

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