reika wrote:
I'm currently finding my interests being drawn more towards parallel universes (as presented in 11 dimensional string theory) and also "M" theory, hyper space, black holes, and also super massive black holes.
For some reason I have the feeling this is gonna be a pretty quiet thread.
I'm currently studying Lie groups and algebras and catastrophe theory to help me gradually grasp some of the mathematics I need in order to get further into m-theory. Also, just getting into learning about coxeter graphs. (I don't presume m-theory will pan out, but am mostly interested because it gives me an excuse to learn more math. If it turns out to be a winner, then so much the better.) A friend is an active physicist in the field and he's been advising me about reading materials to move in that direction. It's been a deep wade for me, but I have particularly enjoyed studying Galois, and then general finite group and field theory before, so the Lie group study is a joy. The catastrophe theory, though, is taking me longer.
I enjoy general physics, some interest in Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, also orbital mechanics, about a year training in basic quantum mechanics [not much, in other words], and some areas of thermodynamics (fascinated by Bekenstein's [grad student when he presented the idea] 1972 suggestion of a more generalized 2nd law that included black holes.) I certainly could discuss some insights I find interesting and some math, if desired.