Kardion(The Heart)
All my life Ive heard of people talking about what they "feel" in their *heart* of their Heart of hearts
For example "Oh deep in my heart, I do believe, we shall overcome some day" or emotionally charged movies with titles like Map of the Human Hear. So, WHERE did people come up with the idea that the heart in the center of and the source of emotion? Why not the Spleen? Or the stomach? The Heart is a PUMP. It pumps blood throughout the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients. The center of emotion is the BRAIN, which is the seat of the mind AND of emotion(the midbrain).
To some extend the heart is the emotionally most responsive part of the body. It starts to beat faster if somebody is agitated. Some people even feel pain in their heart under some emotional circumstances.
The stomach is the next part to be responsive to feelings. There comes the word "gut feeling". In fact it's the second largest assemblage of neurons behind the brain.
The brain was nearly non-exist up to modern times. The Greeks for example thought it's only purpose is cooling the blood. (Any higher functionality was thought to be done by the soul anyway, so they did not have any need to explain the true source of thought, memory and emotions on an organic level)
Both the heart and stomach are the first areas to respond to stress and other longtime negative emotions.
There are obviously connections between emotions (originating in the brain) and health condition. One reason may be the fact, that most emotions come with large amounts of neurotransmitters or hormones, to which the rest of the body responses.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before (E.A.Poe)
Well, the only emotion that I personally notice having an effect on my heart is Fear. When I feel sad I notice NO noticeable change in my heartbeat and certainly NO physical pain. I do notice that when Im fiercely angry my heart tends to beat fast but thats because anger and fear trigger the release of adrenaline which increases the heart rate. I WILL say that when I feel a rush of pleasure my heartrate does increase a bit but not so that I feel anything in my chest.
The stomach is the next part to be responsive to feelings. There comes the word "gut feeling". In fact it's the second largest assemblage of neurons behind the brain.
The brain was nearly non-exist up to modern times. The Greeks for example thought it's only purpose is cooling the blood. (Any higher functionality was thought to be done by the soul anyway, so they did not have any need to explain the true source of thought, memory and emotions on an organic level)
Both the heart and stomach are the first areas to respond to stress and other longtime negative emotions.
There are obviously connections between emotions (originating in the brain) and health condition. One reason may be the fact, that most emotions come with large amounts of neurotransmitters or hormones, to which the rest of the body responses.