Hector wrote:
These kinds of things happen in many areas. Maybe you've had a particularly bad experience with trying to learn mathematics, and developed a sort of mental block. I don't know what stage of education you're at but a good way to catch up is to return to the areas where you started to struggle and do loads of examples. As a high school student I generally did every question in the chapter if I felt I was struggling a little, and only a few questions if I felt I understood. In college mathematics is far more difficult in that sense, but the basic strategy of relieving mental blocks is still there it just requires more resourcefulness and self-discipline.
Im in college and have already since freshmen year in HS have done:
a tutor come to the house 4 times a week (that didnt work) I even tried less times a week (they didnt work) I even tried less time and more time to obsorbe it all (they didnt work)
Going over the chapters again and again and writing out the problems (that didnt work)
Watching movies about certain math (that didnt work)
tried childrens books for math (that didnt work)
Tried getting workbooks from grades k-12 (that didnt work either)
Recorded my prof. lecturs (that didnt work either)
Looked over my notes (that didnt work)
Tried to take it really slow and master one skill at a time (that didnt work)
I have study for hours on certain types of math that i needed to know (that didnt work)
I tried to study for less time (that didnt work)
I tried using math in everday life to be able to SEE it work (that didnt work either)
So I have the will and I have the time and I have the ideas and I have tried them....I just dont get it...Its like my brain wont allow me to learn it and if i do get something it stays with me for a little bit like 5 10 mintues and then BANG its gone...math is the only thing that does this to me I am good at everything esle...just not math...
~I have autism, whats your exuse?~
~"S&M is an art. Doing it well requires more than a bag full of expensive whips and ropes, a closet full of fetish clothes, or a basement filled with bondage furniture." De Sade~