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12 Oct 2008, 3:45 pm

Yea after seeing bout 30 comercails about this so called "project" and about 10 for the "I'm a PC" ads. I went to microsoft and clicked no to download sliverlight plugged in I found the Mojave site out. here it is. Windows Mojave


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12 Oct 2008, 3:58 pm




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12 Oct 2008, 4:34 pm

Yeah, that mojave ad offends me. One of the testers in it says something to the effect that 'you just have to know how to use it'. WHAT??! ! My problem with Vista was that it was introduced before anything had a driver for it. My new laptop came with it, so the laptop could not work with the printer, the U3 smartdrive, or the external drive that I had planned to use to transfer all my files and apps from my PC to my laptop. I know how to use a microsoft OS, I've been using them since windows98. They were insulting my intelligence in an effort to sell the product to those few people who didn't know what the problem with it was.

Maybe there are drivers available for it now, but I don't care. XP has worked from the start for me, and I'm not going back to vista.


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12 Oct 2008, 8:13 pm

While many, criticisms of Mojave seem valid, I imagine to a certain extent it's true that a lot of people who hate vista do so not out of original critical evaluation. Talking to some people, it's like just some kind of social meme, even if the conclusion is correct. Every time vista has kicked me in my crotch, I've been doing something which, while entirely reasonable, is probably outside the activity sphere of the average user.

* here for the nachos.


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12 Oct 2008, 8:37 pm

how do you 'just have to know how to use' a heretofore-unreleased product?...;)

I've had no TV for a year now, so I've missed all this. Is this the rumored replacement for Vista? or what?


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12 Oct 2008, 8:41 pm

Mind games...

* here for the nachos.


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12 Oct 2008, 10:12 pm

While many, criticisms of Mojave seem valid, I imagine to a certain extent it's true that a lot of people who hate vista do so not out of original critical evaluation. Talking to some people, it's like just some kind of social meme, even if the conclusion is correct. Every time vista has kicked me in my crotch, I've been doing something which, while entirely reasonable, is probably outside the activity sphere of the average user.

I would have been a fool, if I had bought any version of Windows.
They should have cured the virus problem (Windows=computerAIDS) in 1995 :!:
And I will NOT buy it until (someday after doomsday) IT WORKS!


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12 Oct 2008, 10:32 pm

ValMikeSmith wrote:
They should have cured the virus problem (Windows=computerAIDS) in 1995 :!:

Which virus problem are you referring to? The one where really stupid people click on and run strange applications from users they don't know?


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13 Oct 2008, 10:39 am

twoshots wrote:
Every time vista has kicked me in my crotch, I've been doing something which, while entirely reasonable, is probably outside the activity sphere of the average user.

Vista does that to me constantly. A day doesn't go past without me cursing it in one way or another. There are just too many things that have been dumbed down for the "average user" if such a person actually exists. As a software developer I need to delve into the data directory (AppData) so have to set it to view all files and folders, but then of course all the crud elsewhere shows up such as the Desktop.ini files (two for some reason in Vista).

It also likes to second guess how I want to view each folder and keeps getting it wrong. I find it very irritating when it suddenly decides that my data files are really photographs and removes the valuable information such as date modified, file size and file attributes - instead it shows star ratings!! ! Vista has become a version of the dumbed down pop-idol program. I don't want star ratings for my data files!! !

Has anyone tried the disk defragmenter in Vista? It stinks. I can't set it to run automatically as it wants to, because if I'm not using the computer it is either on standby or shutdown. So I have to run it manually. Instead of just doing it, I have to sit staring at the screen for five minutes while it decides that yes, indeed the disk does need defragmenting and would I like to proceed - YES FFS! That is why I'm running the F'ing program in the first place!

Vista crashes out if you have any zip files on the disk containing lots of files - it tries to treat it as a folder and expands it. This bombs out Windows Explorer - ironically this same problem exists in XP but MS have not got around to fixing it or exen acknowledging the problem exists. Those in the know have to hack the registry to get rid of this "feature".

Windows Explorer in Vista - this is a complete abortion. It tries to change what it does depending on what you are viewing and is a real wrestling match.

I also support a lot of old Visual Basic version 6 software - there is a certain irony that every time I run VB6 that I get a warning that the software is unknown as was written by an unknown publisher (the publisher was Microsoft) do I really want to trust this software? Duh - you tell me Microsoft - you wrote it! The frustrating thing is that I have to go through this stupid conversation with Vista every time I run VB6.

All the old and very useful things have been stuffed into the search box. So to access the SendTo folder you have to type shell:sendto in the search box. Similarly for Regedit which I need to use a lot.

The Media player in Vista is unusable. I have lots of mp3 files on an external drive. Media player does not have the facility to simply play them - first it wants me to compile them all into a libraries and play lists. Vista just gets in the way with everything I want to do. Everything takes more mouse click, more key presses, more aggravation than it did in XP.

Software incompatibility - this is a big issue with Vista. I've got lots of software that just doesn't run on Vista. So it means buying some software again that I already own just to get the Vista compatible version.

Vista - I've got it, I use it and it sucks.

Unfortunately I earn my living writing software for Windows so just have to put up with whatever bug filled crap Microsoft turns out.

I've left WP indefinitely.


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13 Oct 2008, 5:20 pm

Which virus problem are you referring to?

The one where you use a Windows computer and get a virus.
The one where you get a virus because you are using Windows.
If you don't use Windows, you probably don't get viruses.
If you don't get viruses, you probably aren't using Windows.
Using Windows implies having a virus problem.


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13 Oct 2008, 5:58 pm

ValMikeSmith wrote:
Which virus problem are you referring to?
The one where you use a Windows computer and get a virus.

I guess I don't know how to use Windows "properly". I never get virii and I don't run a scanner.


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13 Oct 2008, 7:02 pm

I never get virii and I don't run a scanner.

You can't prove you don't have a virus just by living without getting tested.


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13 Oct 2008, 11:00 pm

t0 wrote:
ValMikeSmith wrote:
Which virus problem are you referring to?
The one where you use a Windows computer and get a virus.

I guess I don't know how to use Windows "properly". I never get virii and I don't run a scanner.

That's like saying I have sex but I know I don't have any STDs because I don't get myself tested. (btw, that's not true about me :lol: I was just giving an example)


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14 Oct 2008, 1:48 pm

Damn microsoft I got a virus off there site (during an update) that shut down my computer and won't let me take it off of safe mode. So now I'm using my mom's. I'm going to switch to linux instead of updating to a new version of windows. Hey does any one know if linux can allow me to use Quicktime and Safari 3?


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14 Oct 2008, 2:08 pm

You can view every QuickTime format with MPlayer, Xine or VLC. (All of which are lighter than QuickTime btw.)

There is no Safari for Linux, unfortunately. We're stuck with Faggotfox et al.

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14 Oct 2008, 5:28 pm

Well I will try to find a way to undo the effects with the virus because ther is no way in hell i'm I using firefox at all I try it on a u3 flashdrive and hated it. it was slow even slower then IE. I'll look around on the net