Windows 7 is not as new as you may think it is; as long as it's built on the core of Vista, which it is, it is just Windows Vista with a new look. Microsoft have always planned on releasing newer operating systems, but the next will be based on the previous core. There are about 2 for each core. There's Windows 5.0 and Windows 5.1, but there is another Windows 5.2. For those who do not understand, Windows 5.0 is known as "Windows 2000" and Windows 5.1 is known as "Windows XP" If you do not believe me, go run "" or "CMD.EXE" depending on operating system and you will see for yourself. There is another in the Windows 5.x line, it's known as Windows Server and/or known as Windows XP x64/x64 Professional, the later being more supported, yes there are 2 Windows 5.2 available.
Moving on to Windows Vista, if you run the CMD.EXE command, and type VER and [ENTER] you will see either 6.0.6000 or 6.0.6001 depending if you installed the service pack or not (unless it was already included) Try the same with Windows "7" you will see the version number is ....
Not quite Windows 7 after all, now is it? If it's not Windows 7, but built on top of the Vista 6.0 core, then it can not be new if it uses existing technology, and a few improvements.
Reminds me of the old days, of Windows 3.1 to Windows 95, people asking what happened to Windows 4 through 94... Windows 95 WAS Windows 4
Admittedly Windows 95 was pretty good when I saw it. Under version no. 4.0.950 then 4.0.950 A but the one to support larger hard drives was B. But is restricted to just 32GB partitions. Just think, having a 32GB partition in those days would be seen as immense....
I am a multiboot user, I use Windows 5.2.3690, 6.0.6001, planned 6.1.7000, SuSE 11 x64, Ubuntu 8.04, and a few others, so I can play with the various Linux distros to see which suits me best. They are free to download and why the hell not
I'll probably keep them all, maybe not, but I have to find which is best for me. As they are not insistent on primary partitions, I can install as many various versions as I like as they will be in the extended part of the hard drive whereas Windows NT version will only install to Primary partitions, which sucks. Does help to have a third party boot manager, none of this various and hard to keep track of letters
and less risk of damaging other setups