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Joined: 17 Aug 2008
Age: 42
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Posts: 905
Location: Mukilteo, WA, USA

29 Nov 2008, 1:56 pm

Hi everybody,

My friend Art Hine and I are thinking of making a webshow starting in January 2009 that combines the elements of Siskel and Ebert, The Nostalgia Critic, MST3K, and the classic Seattle area sketch show Almost Live!. Our webshow will most likely be a nostlagic show (NC) with the audience gearing towards late Gen-Xers to late Millenals (ages 20-35).

The topics of the show will include (but not limited to) are:
*Video Games
*Music (which also includes music videos)

I will give out more information as we churn out more ideas for our show.