SilverStar wrote:
Starting Windows from scratch will definetly break compatability. Wouldnt it be possible to run older programs in virtual environments though?
Yes. That's what Apple did. In fact, my mom is still refusing to upgrade from 10.4 so that she can continue to use Classic Mode (the virtual environment to run OS9) to run the old Mac version of Outlook Express.
Besides, Microsoft has oftentimes sucked enough at compatibility between versions that most people won't notice *that* much of a difference.
Fuzzy wrote:
Orwell: OSX disks came with universal binaries though, right? For a period of time everything came in two versions per disk?
Universal binaries are the versions that will run in OSX on either PPC or Intel architecture- they actually still have that today. They're dropping it next year with Snow Leopard. What you might be thinking of is Carbon- a set of applications that could run in OS9 or OSX. There weren't a whole ton of them, and I remember the early days of OSX. It was, of course, a much better system, but it had next to no applications available for it at first and you had to constantly switch into "Classic" mode to use your old programs.