MindOfOrderedChaos wrote:
Linux is way to frickin hard for most people to ever figure out. Its not as easy to get going or change settings on for semi advanced newbies.
I don't think it's a matter of the OS being 'user unfreindly' so much as it is a matter of available applications that will run on Linux. MacOS X is based on BSD, and many mac users appreciate being able to use the CLI interface.
Microsoft is dominant when it comes to office productivity apps, but they won't release Linux versions of their applications due to the factthat it would cut into their OS market share. Adobe and Macromedia are dominant in the market for graphics and web development, however I havn't seen them porting their apps over to Linux. Steinberg and Digidesign are fairly dominant when it comes to Music production software, but as far as I know, they have no plans to port their works over to Linux.
Windows is also the predominant platform for gamers, but the development of games for Linux has been marginal, at best.
Until some of the major companies start porting desktop apps over to Linux, it will most likely be relegated to server applications. --For the record, I don't see that happening in the near future.
Also, does anybody remember BeOS? BeOS was a fantastic OS that nobody developed apps for, and it's practically nonexistant these days in part due to the fact that there was nothing available for it.
When There's No There to get to, I'm so There!