OccamsIndecision wrote:
Death_of_Pathos wrote:
DWill wrote:
I ruled C and G out from the progression of columns with one of each element in them. Still working.
I was just going to say that I'm changing my guess to C. The items in the set all have 1 row AND 1 column with 3 different symbols in it. 1 of these is always on the edge, and they are always perpendicular. C is the only one that fits(that I've noticed so far). I could be chasing the wrong thing though. This is really starting to bug me.
Look at the rows of the middle square.
Look at the progress of the one-of-each property of columns. It is the most easy to discern rule. It goes:
010 001 100
100 010 001
001 100 ???
Here is the test. Two other questions bugged me, I got the rest and scored a 135