pakled wrote:
I'm sure there's plenty of RAID testing tools out there, just not sure if they cover RAID 1. Most of the levels I see are 5, and sometimes 2...but that's Server OS's...
RAID 0 or striped seems the most common to me. Its interesting to note that what we are calling RAID on a personal use machine isnt really RAID in the sense that its not performed by a specialized and expensive card. In linux Mobo supported raid is called 'fakeRAID'. As well, the debian based systems are good at emulated or software RAID, which is what I am messing with.
I chose RAID 1 because i am not doing computationally sophisticated things, such as gaming. RAID 0 would be able to read one file from several points, speeding things up. RAID 0 can read several files at once. This was more in line with what I would find handy; I tend to have a bunch of apps open at once.
The problem with RAID 0 is that if one drive fails, your data is screwed. I'd feel ok with that on a gaming rig, but not for intellectual stuff. RAID 1 has a back up.
davidred wrote...
I installed Ubuntu once and it completely destroyed my paying relationship with Microsoft.