Well, I spent close to a full day downloading the Sabayon DVD, and after booting the livedvd environment liked what I saw enough to attempt an installation. NB: I said "attempt." It was rather a failure- the only thing I succeeded in was making every OS on my computer unbootable, including OSX and Ubuntu. I had thought it would not touch my internal HD, since I told it to install to an external HD, but I must have messed something up when I told it where to put the bootloader. It also temporarily broke most of rEFIt's features, which was a serious problem. Eventually, rEFIt revived itself and cleaned up my MBR for me. I assume Vista is still unbootable, as it always is after rEFIt creates a new MBR for me, but the recovery disk will fix that soon enough. Today, another try at Sabayon will be made.
But if anyone else is interested and is less sloppy about their installations: Sabayon is REALLY nice. It comes with Compiz Fusion by default. I was running the livedvd with KDE and Compiz (yes, Compiz in a live distro, wobbly windows, spinning cube, and everything), and it was still faster than an actual install of Windows, and much faster than the Ubuntu livecd. They also have a better rendition of KDE, at least to my preferences. You can also choose from GNOME, XFCE, and Fluxbox.