Well, if you want to be more secure you could add mac address filtering, disable the DHCP, use a static IP, rename the default SSID and hide it, change your lan ip, add a firewall to your computer, turn off wireless administration and put a password for the wired administration.
Check the log of your router frequently too.
gramirez wrote:
I just recently got a Lucent WaveLAN Silver card from a former Lucent employee. I plan on using it in a PowerBook. These things were made when wireless network was pretty new, and only supports 64-bit WEP encryption. My main router uses WPA2 encryption, on G-only networks. I live in a medium-density area in terms of population, and you can get up to 2 neighboring wireless networks in range. I'm just wondering, is it worth using the 64 bit WEP encryption (would require me to hookup my old router too), or would it be fine to use a non-encrypted wireless network?
Any advice is appreciated?