Need advice on getting family to switch to...
I need some advice on how to get my family to start using Skype for phone, online for tv watching, etc. I figured we could save a load of money if we do this, but my family are computer ret*ds. Only thing I know how to do on one is get on the internet and check email. I did manage to switch em from IE to FireFox XD.
I figured our phone bill could be drastically reduced if we switch to Skype, it's like $4/mo or something like that.
I figured we could reduce our cable tv bill by watching TV online for free. Wait, nevermind, my job requires cable lol -_-.
Well, you get my point. Any idea on what I can do to get a computer ret*d family to switch over to using computers for everything just about? It'd also give me more reason to fulfill my hobby and build the computers needed, etc.
I'm also trying to get them to let me wire the house as I hate wireless. I need to wire their computers downstairs to lead to the router, etc up in my room, but they're like nooooooo,
Skype? How about being able to phone loads of people for free instead?
Please don't use Internet Explorer!
The Ubuntu Linux Distribution OS is a very good Windows alternative!
You essentially answered your question with a giant NO!! !! !! !! !
If your family is not computer-literate, then forcing them to use such technology, will only make them shy away from it forever. Just my personal experience.
Reality is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there
You essentially answered your question with a giant NO!! !! !! !! !
If your family is not computer-literate, then forcing them to use such technology, will only make them shy away from it forever. Just my personal experience.
Skype is actually really easy to use, but it shouldn't be used because it is evil. I refuse to support software that hijacks my internet connection to route other people's calls through, negates my security precautions and leaves my communication completely unprotected, is proprietary/closed-source, and aids the Chinese government in spying on dissidents.
Boycott Skype!
I enjoy helping people when it comes to computers, and I have been helping out a guy from the forum called oblio. We have done quite a bit together so far, but we have quite a lot to do yet. It has been going pretty well so far.
Internet contact on the Jabber instant messaging network, some PM's through here, and loads of remote connecting into his computer

If you are someone that has problems when it comes to using, maintaining, and securing Windows, or using Desktop Linux for the basics, please feel free to PM me and I can probably be of a lot of assistance. I can also help to some extent with hardware and basic networking.
I can control your computer from mine thanks to the Internet and remote connecting software. Then whilst we are both using your mouse and keyboard we can do things together with your computer.
I am doing this, because I think it's fun and it's also good for gaining experience. As a career I would like to work as an IT technician or a website coder.
You don't have to pay me to get proper computer help from me. However if after I have done a lot for you and you feel that is the right thing to do, donations will probably be usually accepted.
I expect not many people that would be interested in such help will be reading this, so at another time and at this forum, I will probably end up doing another similar message.
Orwell Stallman yes proprietary/closed-source software restricts our freedoms, but sometimes there is a rather justified reason to be using it.
Please don't use Internet Explorer!
The Ubuntu Linux Distribution OS is a very good Windows alternative!
Orwell Stallman yes proprietary/closed-source software restricts our freedoms, but sometimes there is a rather justified reason to be using it.
I know, and I use proprietary stuff on occasion. I have Opera, I use my proprietary plug-ins and wifi drivers, I even have two proprietary OS's (Mac OS X and Vista) installed on my computer, along with the typical proprietary stuff that is used with them, such as MS Office. But Skype is much, much worse than most proprietary software, and really should be avoided at all costs. Even if there were no suitable replacement to Skype I would not use it, ever.

Joined: 25 Dec 2007
Age: 68
Gender: Male
Posts: 529
Location: 1 Observatree Close, Pointless Forest, Low Countries
so this has now been forced upon me for my official return home, after first in all Seb's forceful coaching managing to forget my simplest password of all (WP: xxxxxx, you work it out sebbie)(oh &: leave proof you did)(and he will confirm i don't exactly maintain an undecipherable plethora of usernames or passwords (all that is just very confusing to the non-paranoid mind, i assure you, i would not even remember where i kept the note with all my different data: so as far as i am concerned: lost everything (see intermezzo below)>> nothing to lose but sanity of mind, nothing to hide: too many secrets anyway [ZETECS ASTRONOMY]: my names always have some form of oblio, iii, and/or 'robert', never my sirname (never liked it, nor am i ever a sir; never liked 'robert' either, but a name is NEVER about how you see yourself; my password will always play around with iii and the numbers 13 (plus a bit i leave Seb to reveal) [[btw Seb, i have been a good boy and been varying names & passwords (but it is driving me mad) [hiding is way too timeconsuming, and lying soon turns too elaborate the prevent getting caught out...]
me and computers have issues; but i suppose any linux in the end will not bewilder me as the inconsistencies of MSWindows do; so Seb has gained in me an already converted on open sourcing, and politically very anti MS - i, like at least 75% of humanity, just lack the experience and knowledge in a new world i have never managed to 'acquire' (a world we feel forced upon us by you lot, so we cope as best as our unwillingness allows; but please accept that not everybody likes computers, actually you lot are a tiny minority - now that constitutes dictatorship!)
we think alike, actually, computers and me, therefore most of you on this subforum, but it is much more that we dont speak the same language, we are not even on different pages, i find myself lost in different libraries altogether - so we think alike, but along parallel lines
there is a marked difference, in the way we SEE things, i have noticed; this is also partly due to very inconsistent translating, and the one thing where Vista will never ever possibly win over NT4 of (XP)5 is in the long awaited language modules; if only 7beta gets that back, i could at least stand a chance of getting inside your little bookshop
still: even in ICT 'english' : always remember Winston Churchil: 'two nations divided by one language'
I had other plans for my return home, first transgressing into a couple of posts under obliolockedout, then finally stating i cant live like this plus my recently developed time-wasting slogan in Millie's 'Self' thread, which was of essential importance to me, when suddenly, due to poor design once more, and a lack of receiving correct options, and blatant nitwitness on the user side, i clicked that one fatal click, on January 20th
in stead of getting ubuntu with vista in a virtual box, or the other way round, wtf cares sebbie...., the result of that final action, and the ONLY one left for me to take, was that i suddenly had become Ubuntu prisoner no 6. WHY???! HOW was it possible that this could even have happened the way that it did - it should not have been possible
the experience was traumatic; this new laptop had proven a total disaster, actually from the moment it was ordered, specifically not Vista wanted, and what did i get... gosh, why do people not understand me; we are supposed to speak the same language
you lot see:
this happens to me not only when we converse (con- more appropriate than the com of -municate);
it happens in analog life as well; it has totally destructured my life i promise you
sebbie is being patient, i can tell; i am being patient with sebbie, he has a very hard time getting that; he does not appreciate that in my view and proven experience, i KNOW that when i click the 'obvious', eg, YES, i do emotionally expect the system to decide i actually intended to click NO - i can SEE sebbie actually becoming a coach and teacher, but i cannot 'text' him what i SEE, and what i see may very well, not be obvious AT ALL, not to me, and Sebbie does not understand that, quite, yet
So i lost everything in life, age 46/7/8, after my in retrospect also very highfuntioning aspie brother died of cancer long ignored, stupid bastard; everything; even my computer got lost in the process of being evicted and all; only place to go my old teenage bedroom, only computer: mum's, old MaxDataDubious with of all disasters MS Millennium Edition (...), discover WP, discover AS, find out who i am, and at 52, in debt for next five years, no income but basic disability and deductions for debts
i need to be creative; i must be able to raise what i emotionally feel i have coming, as someone owes me; i need to get into virtual life; WP is my ONLY life, and i cant even get into the bloody chat for that computer is likely to finally collapse by just being looked at
Especially Microsoft have a very special knack in doing exactly what i never asked it to do, any MS program, actually; Nothing ever beat WP, that holds for WrongPlanet, as it eternally will for WordPerfect; it is outrageous that Word ever got as big as it did. For that alone, may MS burn in hell...
So yes Orwell, i would totally agree with your take on the Skype topic, and will be very happy indeed if YOU inform be better as to the political ramifications involved; i shall give you fair hearing as i feel obliged to myself to put my mney (and effort) where my mouth would like to be;
but my first move into Yahoo Instant Messenger & Yahoo Mail looked far more attractive and suitable than Gmail (and what do i know about MS anbd Yahoo); although i distrusted Messenger and hated paranoid Norton teamed up with Vista; i kept getting script error messages
so i was not totally unhapopy when i became clear in my contacts with Seb that Yahoo was too MSy anyway, so i am now, om a new desktop, returning more googlemindedly, for the same ptical reasoning
i do not know how i happened into Skype, but, involved in something else which included rather intense YIM communication, i happened into Skype [[edit Cut&Paste:]] NOW i remember: i first located my half sister via Facebook (where i had gotten through my YIM contact in Canada, where i have more family: mum's sister, NT, but i strongly distrust their mother, my grandmother)
(auntie Canada is the one who gave me MJCarley's book on Asperger's, which was quite a revelation)
so got in touch with halfsis who i know has a psychiatric past, so wil have to inform her of my dx, but how... not by mere e-mail, and not ot of the blue, who knows what she is doing, be saw her five times in my life; via her [Facebook, carries my first digit photograph now], then discover halfbrother in London has something called Skype, installed it,
and sat talking for two hours, the most important call of my life, and not with the expected person, but even better than that, as enabling me to discuss halfsis before tackling the matter at hand...
i still feel much more at home in Yahoo, but shall adapt away and towards google, or whatever Linux will be able to offer me; suggestions will be considered, by me and Seb in combination; i want a radio type Yahoo MyRadio, that was brilliant; anyway, i find i am clicking around even before i have decided on who to approach for this coaching of me; even before i had ever been reminded by the system as step 1: make recovery discs - as said or implied before: NOTHING IS OBVIOUS TO ME you MUST always remember that
this is the ONE thing Sebbie does not get, but he will, he actually is learning very rapidly now that we have somehow managed to totally screw up and lose any form of contact at all, bar my hourly checking the always left-on ME laptop of mummie; she kept shutting it off, but it takes way too long to get started, so at some point i dashed downstairs with a fistful of continental dollarage telling her to for godssake (toaistic drink) take that for compensation but please keep that thing on (that cost me 900 euro, apparently, not really catered for, so that is another problem that will need some elegant addressing, shortly) (i will not be paying rent for a while, i am sure)
NO communication bar that for EIGHT days is traumatic, i promise; i had and have many other priorities (sadly) (Seb is only jst starting to get a better picture of my strange situation; only one solution bar the doctor: get what i should have got anyway, forget the laptop, that will be solved in future
back to SKYPE: so i downloaded Skype, maybe even from my Gmail Google page, i cannot remember;
next thing i know: after all the limitations of YIM chat, the visual quality of Skype was a miracle to behold - i was not aware we had meanwhile reached this level for the wider population, at ZERO cost!! ! [i shall work this out in a later post; i will give you my relevant account details]
And, half an hour later, i discover namesakes on Skype; an hour later i am FINALLY having that one conversation that i should have had almost a year ago, upon my official diagnosis. I had informed my one halfbrother in The Hague, and he basically, unwittingly, left it for his information, but it had been mentioned in the family, without further consequence
I know why my father was who he was, no one else does; i know who my brother was, no one else does; contrary to family myth, i know who my mother is, nobody does (including her); i remember the kids of The Haguebro, and a couple of then out of place observations: i need to do more than inform: i KNOW; i am the eldest male of the family now, and i hold the secret to the lives of certainly my halfsister with her past, misdxed with atypical BPD or the like, i assume my somewhat successful The Haguebro would be alright, but i KNOW at least one of the two daughters of his failed first marriage is affected; i need to be in better contact than YIM or email to start addressing these vital issues - and suddenly i am sitting there talking face to face, with excellent picture quality, talking properly for two hours with Londonhalfbro-Tom, maybe unwitting HFA himself but more than suspecting i am and always was of his eldest son; at least now he knows; and we could discuss halfsis
If Seb had been prepared to add voice to our chat, i am sure we would not have been in the trouble i have been in, and no doubt i must have had dear old Sebbie somewhat unduely worried (see below: he remains unconvinced - the struggle between pupil & teacher to be continued): I hope i will be able to convince him of the simple visual need i have for at least part of the information occurring via another sensorial channel; i need my eyes to see, and cannot watch when typing: also means i am not learning when having to concentrate on typing, SEBBIE!! !
you must understand that as a valid argument!
So, ORWELL & SKYPE, you get me similar quality from politically preferable parties, and i will gladly switch away, even prepared to pay some for that (might even prefer paid service as that requires quality of service, there is little complaining for things given free)
But i shall not for a second regret downloading, installing, and using it, as much as i can, from now to until you have convinced sebbie, and me
Mayby (see post above Seb defending choice for Skype) you have noted how Seb is already developing a sort of allowance barrier for dealing with notwots like me - he might not have written that comment twoo weeks ago;
once we are through with each other, i will be coaching him in other matters, purtaining to making a living in the way he proposes; i know he would not mind co-poperating with others in that respect; he is learning how to teach and coach me; once i am through with him, there shall be no stopping flamin' firefoxy Sebbie, or me, for that matter,
and i would heartily welcome any other input into what is developing into quite a dynamic relationship
So much for Windows, it's time to close them...
So much for Linux, whether newspeak Ubuntu or if someone else can help me get off this silly 'ubuntu' name, and get me na decently called distro (i believe the word is...?)[Orwell, would you please explain to Seb why 'ubuntu'could be seen as 'newspeak', thx]
So much for Skype, may room 101 be thou future, but remain seated whilst not replaced by Orwell (thanks, mate, i sit, corrected)
and last but not at all least: So much for Seb so far, and much more to come in the near future;
I, full&fool-heartedly, endorse the above commercial advertisement; and propose in matters related to function as Seb's agent
he shall not be expensive, nor will he ever come cheaply: be warned
Robert Seepers /
formerly trading in RL as oblio iii
a point in every direction is the same as no point at all - or is it
may your god forgive you
Last edited by oblio on 30 Jan 2009, 6:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
I find that helping oblio with his computers is rather good for experience! However I think that it would be much more difficult using VOIP to communicate with this guy whilst doing these things. I think that if I lived near and I was going to help in person, that it would be rather challenging at times.
Please don't use Internet Explorer!
The Ubuntu Linux Distribution OS is a very good Windows alternative!
just get one of these:
wide link packaged by lau

good luck going back to the middle ages. Bring me a mammoth while there....

One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Joined: 25 Dec 2007
Age: 68
Gender: Male
Posts: 529
Location: 1 Observatree Close, Pointless Forest, Low Countries
partly edition to above / partly addition
i am having trouble with editing properly, system seems buggy (WP problem??), so do it in new post
have to remark that VOICE alone would not have been sufficient for contacting the family and stuff like that - that simply requires FACE to FACE, and Skype delivers brilliantly, so thank you, well done!
the coaching and much other communication could be done with just voice added to just texting, however i remain convinced that visual contact will greatly enhance the quality of any communication - and we more than any need to train ourselves in watching and reading facial expression anyway; as a teacher myself, there is NO teaching without the occasional reciprocal real eye contact for confirmation purposes - the more that can be communicated by means of non-text, the more effective the txt-content shall become, i guarantee that!
did not address the original question: how to convince one's lived-with-ones... Who cares, i made a test call with mum downstairs to surprise her and show it works (after i had also set up calling to landlines), and she remains unimpressed even by the option of FREE visual chat with the sister in Vancouver, my aunt... (I cannot believe it). Nevermind, her loss, i shall at some point establish visual contact with anyone related, show her and leave it at that; she knows she is unhappy with the present set-up annyway, and the hardware, so an ideal moment to switch into an easy 21st century; but it's up to her.
I got my communcation about to be sorted, what she does... I will however attempt to persuade by example; i my communication turns out good, why would shy reamin shyed off. On the other hand, she still doesnt want to understand that her laptop, if stuck, can be turned of (an on) by holding that one little button long enough - i have given up any further attempt - she is too set in her ways and will never get it -
she is considering a course in digital photography (cannot imagine why, really, given the above), she still does not get that this machine of hers may not even survive any next download, let alone photography; and even than: what is she going to do, if ever getting one pic loaded...
She will find out, or not; not my problem
SKYPE financially:
- all SKYPE to SKYPE calls (video&voice) are FREE
- optional: get small credit on account and enable SKYPE to landline telephones (any number)
each call, basic rate: € 0,045
each call, dependent on specific subscription (mine, maybe stupidly just EUROPE-unlimited):
depends on other specs, but any relevant call in Europe to me will be 0.020 per minute (still not much)
but if i get upgraded (not already??) the US will cost the same, and so will Australia, so i am covered, at little expense,
and preferring the functionality of the free mode anyway
let's see how long i can make this 12 € investment last..., officially my next payment is due on april 12, not worked out if my remaining balance will be carried over, in very worst case scenario that might cost me some shrapnel, that decent investing, i say
interestingly, for landline calls, i have been set up with my own landline number to also allow being called, but that might just become somewhat underused (including show caller id) as i found no way in getting a dutch number to this end; which forced me to make an obvious choice: UK, England, Manjester!! !!
I'm back boys! Play cricket or hockey at Bowdon??? Umpire Saturday?
Great, phone me at: +44.(0)161.408.0315; or skype me: skype-name: robert-o-blio; password.......
people i will be calling in clogland will not believe this when the number shows; jeez, could not even call my disability-benefits organization: you in UK sir, since when?, how long will you be skipping your monthly payment? THX for keeping us up to date, sir. Some info indeed best be not all too freely squandered with carelack consideration
I did install Voipcheap later on Seb's suggestion, would involve landline calling for Free, not sure whether that would support video, but havent tried, so willnot judge, but dont mind paying little...
Voipcheap would certainly become essential when adding long calls to lengthy coaching-pc maintenance sessions >> NO:
1 hour calling Seb landline would Skype me for basic rate 0.045 + (60 x 0.020) = € 1.200 plus, cannot afford that obviously...
(last night, after 8 lost days, would have cost me about my first smallest balance)
(actually: would rather see Seb get at least ten-fold of that before paying them, that would have earned him around 100, UK 70, which is not much, for a full night work, although one does wonder what someone like that does in all that spent time waiting for each other to respond or waiting for the system to do so, so it would not survive full-time-performance billing)
lau will be able to come up with a very decent minimum quote on Seb's behalf, i momentarily cannot promise i will be able to pay up monetarily
a point in every direction is the same as no point at all - or is it
may your god forgive you
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