Some satellites and all cable companies charges for the service of either having a wire or a signal descrambler or to maintain the service as a business.
Most people in the USA are unaware of the "free" wireless services so they pay for them.
People who buy "basic cable" are paying for free signals.
That reminds me. The TV situation in the UK has always seemed very bizarre to me:, Let's use our free TV before we lose it.
already lost 200 Megahertz (about one third of the 82 free channels),
that the FCC stole and sold.
I'm sure that those digital boxes can be updated to
require paying for TV in the future.
All of the other (satellite and cable) TV boxes already did make people pay for TV.
That is completely wrong. Yes, basic cable includes the local networks usually, but it also includes channels you can't get over the air. Nobody is taking away free channels. All channels are going to have to be digital though, and not all TV's can decode the new signal. Check your facts before you rant.