Sweetleaf wrote:
Why Isn't Laboratory Meat A Bigger Deal?
I know right? I'm surprised that people aren't more excited about this revolutionary technology!
I've heard environmentalists saying that in the future we may have to give up meat because it uses too many resources, yet they completely ignore this alternative.
Sweetleaf wrote:
I mean sure people can go vegan or vegetarian and this and that, but that kind of diet is not for everyone...if they can just grow meat though, than no more getting bitched at by vegans about animals being killed and no more having to find an 'alternative' to be more animal friendly, because you could get real meat that did not come from a living animal.
I agree that eating a lifeform that doesn't have a nervous system is entirely ethical because it can't possibly feel pain but vegans often want to eat "natural" food (even if it's been modified from its natural state through selective breeding and cooking) and they might think vat meat isn't "natural" enough for them.
Remember that some of these people think that consuming engineered DNA may l harm them, even though foreign DNA is completely destroyed by the digestive process. Some of these people want us to use "organic" farming techniques even though it grows less food per acre and requires more land to be cleared. These are the same people who block the development of hydroelectric dams and who effectively put a stop to research into safer nuclear reactors and then complain that we're burning too much coal.
I think that if this vat meat technology becomes very cheap it will be adopted by the developing world, not by the middle vieux riche of the developed world who can afford the luxury of deliberately using inefficient farming techniques.
The days are long, but the years are short