NinjaSquid wrote:
I think sociopathy an Asperger have in comon a that there is a lack of empathy involved in both disorders, seeing to the fact that few aspies are full blowen sociopath i would asume that an aspie only oftem fails to notice but a sociopath is some one who notice but fails to care.
I mean you cant really fake a skill, if you do some thing and you are good at it you are skilled, what Dexter is faking are not social skills hes faking feelings. Hes is actullay quite adapt at social skills even if he is mainly working with learned algorithms and by some kind of intuitiv understanding, he also got a good eye for people and there emotionally state.
aspies have trouble in faking feeling because contrary to common and professional views they have lots of empathy
"social skills" are expression of a certain level of empathy(if u look at society at large u might conclude that this level is quit low)
aspies,unlike sociopath,have trouble in acquiring social skills because unlike NT they really care
they are too empathic
i totally agree with you
sociopath or psychopath like Dexter have no problem in getting the necessary skills because they don't really care
We (I) love and forgive Dexter because he spent too much time with his chainsawed mother

and his has a very good eye for people and in his own way he is also very unpretentious and sweet and live by a strict if somewhat peculier moral code
he is as good as seriall killer can be
still, i think he is very aspie like in many ways
getting by learned algorithms is something i used to do a lot
when i first saw Dexter it reminded me if a documentary i saw about way the image of the homosexuals evolved over the years in Hollywood
they too have started as diabolic maniacs and slowly evolved to the nice friendly type we see now in movies
perhaps the image of the aspie has to travel the same road in the media before people can accept us as we are