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22 Feb 2010, 11:15 am

I just watched one, it is called Grave of the Fireflies. It is definetly one of the saddest movies I have ever watched, especialy for an animated movie, my face was literely covered in tears. I really liked the movie, but I don't think I could watch it any time soon, in fear I will have a repeated reaction.

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24 Feb 2010, 10:26 am

hellopeople wrote:

What a downer!



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03 Mar 2010, 10:35 pm

the most terk-jerking of the bunch:

AI-artificial intelligence :( :( :( :( :( [oh, poor david]
the wizard of oz :( :( [when judy cries, gawd i can't stand it!]
march of the penguins :( :( :( [why, god, why???]
the wild parrots of telegraph hill :( :( :( [dying parrots]
old yeller :( :( :(
the yearling :( :( :( :( [claude jarman, jr. crying his eyes out]
the heart is a lonely hunter :( :( :( :( :( [just wanted to get drunk afterwards]
i want to live! :( :( :( :(
charly :( :( :( [what a crappy way to go]
where the red fern grows :( :( :(
of mice and men :( :( :( :( [poor lennie]
wall-e :( :( :( :( :(
the sergeant :( :( :( [why, god, why???]
that certain summer :( :( :(

just pass me the god-damned kleenex!


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05 Mar 2010, 6:06 am

Its been a while i was effected by a tear jerker but "The Lovely Bones" broke my hard shell into pieces.
I cryed like a shaken baby!
Seriously i was out for the count i had the blair witch project snot bubbles and the stuttering breaths, the whole nine yards! it was bananas.
I havent been that bad scince "Grave of the Fireflies."


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05 Mar 2010, 1:56 pm

When I saw Batman Begins for the first time, I cried from being overloaded with sheer awesomeness.


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05 Mar 2010, 1:59 pm

bijouxmiu wrote:
Its been a while i was effected by a tear jerker but "The Lovely Bones" broke my hard shell into pieces.
I cryed like a shaken baby!
Seriously i was out for the count i had the blair witch project snot bubbles and the stuttering breaths, the whole nine yards! it was bananas.
I havent been that bad scince "Grave of the Fireflies."

sounds like "stendahl's syndrome to me. join the club, luv :)


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05 Mar 2010, 2:18 pm

Schindler's List

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05 Mar 2010, 2:32 pm

Full Metal Jacket - halfway through my favorite character dies, and no matter how many times I've seen it before, I start bawling.
Moulin Rouge.
Zombieland. Which sounds weird, but it's the scene when you find out the guy's puppy was actually his kid.

Rivers wrote:
I know Dragon Ball/Z/GT isn't a movie but there are several times in that series where I'm fighting back doesn't usually work though.

The first time I saw Atonement I cried like crazy mostly because the end caught me completely off guard.

I did too. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had that reaction.

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05 Mar 2010, 9:45 pm

Spirited Away

from the moment Haku meets up with Chihiro near the end of the film and as the two are flying back Chihiro breaks Haku's curse...from there, there's no stopping the tears no matter how many times I see it :cry:

Miyazaki just knows how to really move you!

I know there are others. In the past few years other films like WallE, The Princess and the Frog, have gotten me crying. I swear before then Spirited Away was the only film that could break me.


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05 Mar 2010, 9:50 pm

'Kay this'll probably make me sound like such an incredibly huge nerd, especially because it was the first movie to make me cry but, Highschool Musical 3: Senior Year...

I can't believe Disney's ruining the franchise by making a fourth installment with a whole new cast whom I can only assume are the newest fighting Wild Cat East High juniors. EEEEeeeewwwwwwww.j

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05 Mar 2010, 9:51 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
I just watched one, it is called Grave of the Fireflies. It is definetly one of the saddest movies I have ever watched, especialy for an animated movie, my face was literely covered in tears. I really liked the movie, but I don't think I could watch it any time soon, in fear I will have a repeated reaction.

Oh man that film had me bawling throughout, what a tear wrencher. I consider it one of my favourites, one of the best films ever made.

Spirited away is another one. Lot's of tears.

Let's see, what have I seen recently that produced tears in me?

Pan's Labyrinth. Children of Men. Wild Strawberries. Lady Vengeance. The Elephant man. American Beauty. Watership Down. Life Is Beautiful. Demolition Man.

I like a good cry, clears the windows of the soul.

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05 Mar 2010, 10:06 pm

Smillsoid wrote:
The Stanley Kubrick films:- "Paths of Glory," "Spartacus," "2001: A Space Odyssey," "A Clockwork Orange" & "Barry Lyndon."

They all make me cry for completely different reasons.

That's interesting. I love Kubrick, and I love all of those films (except for 'Barry Lyndon' which I've not see) but I've never cried at one.

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06 Mar 2010, 12:15 am

The plague dogs made me cry several times through the movie.


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06 Mar 2010, 7:26 am

Up, Big Fish and Brokeback Mountain are a few films that I recall crying in. I don't usually cry at movies, but when I do, I sob like a baby.


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06 Mar 2010, 1:32 pm

all i know is that the only movies that make me cry are Ghost & Evita.

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06 Mar 2010, 7:07 pm

Definitely Shawshank - what an incredible, incredible movie X infinity..the greatest of the greatest of the greatest - never to be beaten......such an essential film. :)