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Going to go see Eclipse?
Yes 35%  35%  [ 11 ]
Not interested 65%  65%  [ 20 ]
Total votes : 31

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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26 Jun 2010, 5:25 pm

Is anyone else going to see Twilight Saga: Eclipse?
I am the day before it comes out. My school sold advance tickets for a 7pm showing the night before it comes out.

I'm also wondering if any guys are going to see it?
I wouldn't be to surpised if some guys are going to see it for the action (Vampires vs. Werewolves XD )


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26 Jun 2010, 8:04 pm

I was dragged into the others. Didn't enjoy them. Nonetheless I'm a completionist, so I probably will see it once the fervor dies down and a local non-crowded showing happens.


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27 Jun 2010, 1:36 pm

I saw the first two in the series so yeah I'm gonna go and see Eclipse but I'll probably wait a while so the cinema won't be as packed. :lol:

Am usually bored so PMs are welcome!

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05 Jul 2010, 7:47 am

I will..after I finish reading the book...


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05 Jul 2010, 8:31 am

Not interested in either book or movie.


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05 Jul 2010, 8:33 am

Twilight is plotless BS. I wouldn't watch or read anything to do with it, unless it's a parody, even if you paid me a million pounds.


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05 Jul 2010, 9:57 pm

Asp-Z wrote:
Twilight is plotless BS. I wouldn't watch or read anything to do with it, unless it's a parody, even if you paid me a million pounds.

Have you heard of RiffTrax? They're the same people who used to do MST3K, and they did a full commentary on the first movie, not sure about the second.

I also saw a spoof trailer where they replaced the lead actress with a cheeseburger, I honestly couldn't tell the difference.

It's gotta look bad when the lead actor says that the movies plot is so bad that he thinks it's just the authors own publicized erotic fantasies.


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13 Jul 2010, 3:04 am

I hated the first book so much, I couldn't finish it so I never read any of the others, nor do I want to see any of the movies. It's a rare thing for me to not finish a book, but Twilight was bad enough for me to do that.

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13 Jul 2010, 3:46 am

I saw it last monday


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13 Jul 2010, 4:19 am

Fangs for asking



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13 Jul 2010, 10:18 am

I personally don't see the appeal of it. The book is nothing more than a Self-Insert story, the fangirl is Bella, and either Edward is their ideal Prince Charming, their boyfriend or just Edward. Because of this, I personally find that the book suffers for bland characters, no plot or a plot that feels knocked off from a fan fiction and Bella being a b!#@h.

Seriously, I don't care who you are, manipulating someone into doing what you want while teasing them into believing that you love them is just wrong!

My personal problems with the Saga are:

1. The characters are either bland, unlikeable or both.
2. The writing feels primative (come on, describing your lover as an angel 86 times in one book isn't exactly bestseller material is it?)
3. It takes WAY too many liberties from folklore (sparkling comment)
4. Its adaption on folklore suffers from inconsistencies (Edward is a vegetarian who eats meat...does not compute!)

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13 Jul 2010, 11:12 am

ruveyn wrote:
Fangs for asking


Fangs? You've obviously never seen any of the movies or read any of the books.

How I envy you.


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13 Jul 2010, 12:05 pm

Wellll....I typically don't see movies based on books I like because I have an obsession with accuracy and I'm (almost) invariably disappointed, annoyed and generally irked by the differences between the movies and the books they're based on, but I'm going to make an exception in this case because I've heard the music and love it :)


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16 Jul 2010, 9:18 am

I read all of the series and thought the 4th book was more for adults. I was into the whole vampire loves human thing after watching Moonlight on CBS, but I'm not interested in Twilight anymore. To me it's more geared towards teenagers.


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16 Jul 2010, 10:49 pm

Yes, I'll watch it when it comes out on dvd (not a fan of theaters for a number of reasons) I'm a general lover of books, and even more so anything paranormal and fantasy, so I do like this series for what it is. I find it interesting to see each authors idea of classic creatures. I'm also usually less inthralled to watch movies or tv shows based on novels, as like mentioned above they are next to impossible to reproduce exactly (books should really be left alone, want another vampire tale? write a new script, but hollywood always figure in free fan base and all the money that can be made... $$$$) On the same note. It's kind of hard not to get sucked into this Twilight fever... so yes I cave and watch the movies... Heck at least the 2nd and 3rd are better than the follow up to Anne Rices Interview with the Vampire... Queen of the Damned should never have been made, imo, they slaughtered it.