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Snowy Owl
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31 May 2009, 9:58 pm

Demonique wrote:
Spock and Data DO NOT have Aspergers

Vulcans supress their emotions, they don't lack them.

Data is a machine, he's NOT a human, human medical conditions therefore don't apply to him. Anyway, he has his emotion chip now

7 of 9 is the way she is because she was a Borg for most of her life

I wasn't suggesting they had AS. Just that they have AS traits. I do realize there are other reasons for their behavior. But in the end the show is made by humans and they act that way because humans decided they should. I was trying to get at the reason so many fictional characters in Star Trek act similar to people with AS.

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01 Jun 2009, 4:01 am

An intelligent, observant Aspergian needs to accept the undertaking of writing a paper on the parallels between Aspergians and Vulcans.

I would do it myself, but my schedule allows for no such project, at least in the near future.

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09 Jun 2009, 5:11 pm

Demonique wrote:
Vulcans supress their emotions, they don't lack them.

While we do?

'I don't know if that's an Asperger's thing or not, I think it's just being reasonable.' - Bram Cohen

Snowy Owl
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09 Jun 2009, 5:21 pm

Saerain wrote:
Demonique wrote:
Vulcans supress their emotions, they don't lack them.

While we do?

We don't lack them but for most Aspies we fell them less. Which is not really a bad thing, IMO.

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10 Jun 2009, 7:38 am

Chyndonax wrote:
Saerain wrote:
Demonique wrote:
Vulcans supress their emotions, they don't lack them.

While we do?

We don't lack them but for most Aspies we fell them less. Which is not really a bad thing, IMO.

I prefer to say that people with AS have the same emotions as NTs, but we perceive and process them differently. As a result, we typically don't understand our feelings nor react as expected.


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10 Jun 2009, 9:02 am

Chyndonax wrote:
In the Star Trek universe there are no fewer than three main characters who could be described as having Asperger's: Spock, Data, and Odo. I don't think this is a coincidence. I would be willing to bet Gene Roddenberry has Asperger's. Anybody else notice this? Anybody ever see Roddenberry at a convention and see any signs of Asperger's?

I have noticed this, as well. And, probably not coincidentally, those are my favorite characters from each series. The Doctor was my favorite on Voyager.


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11 Jun 2009, 5:12 pm

Chyndonax wrote:
In the Star Trek universe there are no fewer than three main characters who could be described as having Asperger's: Spock, Data, and Odo. I don't think this is a coincidence. I would be willing to bet Gene Roddenberry has Asperger's. Anybody else notice this? Anybody ever see Roddenberry at a convention and see any signs of Asperger's?

Well, I dunno if I'd say Odo is Asperger's. I've seen Deep Space Nine, and he seems more to me unenlightened to human customs then socially inept. Remember, he was created, not born, so you can't really imply human disabilities to a creation.

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17 Jun 2009, 11:07 am

I confess, I have only seen the latest movie. I've always been too afraid to watch Star Trek in case I get obsessed with it, as it's such as large thing to become absorbed in.

However, from what I know of Spock, I immediately thought of Aspergers. In fact, my girlfriend nicknamed me 'Spock' for a while after watching the movie together.


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17 Jun 2009, 11:37 am

Different lifeforms will NOT be human in every way. Their socialising may very well be different from us. Hence the appearance of "Asperger's" Why do you think the site is called Wrongplanet?


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18 Jun 2009, 12:02 am

Who knows, there may be species where only 1 in 150 is NT...;)

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07 Aug 2010, 4:27 am

Greensmith wrote:
I've heard that Gene Roddenberry was a very warm and gregarious, empathetic person. Doesn't sound too Aspie to me. But you're right that there are a lot of Aspie characters on Star Trek. There's Spock, Data, Barclay, Odo, Tuvok, The Doctor, 7 of 9, T'Pol...
The weird thing is, there wasn't one person who created all these characters. For some reason, a whole bunch of people created a whole bunch of characters with a whole bunch of autistic traits.
My theory is that since Spock was a really popular character, other writers tried to duplicate that success by creating characters that were like Spock. And the result was a lot of Aspie characters.

"I have had so much trouble with emotion in my life I thought it just would be fun to write someone who didn't have that problem." (referring to Spock)

- Eugene Wesley Roddenberry, from Late Night America – 9/24/85


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07 Aug 2010, 12:40 pm

Spock is an alien, with alien thought process. However, he is normative for his species.

Data is an android, assembled with the cognitive abilities of an adult human, but no knowledge of emotion. I hold that he had been learning emotions since before his chip was ever installed; for instance, in the episode "Pen Pal", when Picard ordered Data to cease communicating with the girl on the doomed planet immediately (as this communication was technically in defiance of the Prime Directive), the sheerly machine-logical procedure would have been to just stop. Data requested permission to send a farewell message, however, and when Picard okayed this, rather than returning to his quarters and composing his message privately, as had been his custom, Data opened a communications channel from the comm panel in the Ready Room, so that Picard could hear the girl's voice. Data had been observing humans for more than two decades at that point - he had to have known what effect this would have on his captain, and must (I believe) have chosen this action because he could not bear to leave the girl, and her family, to their fate, but had no strictly logical arguments to bolster his position.

7 of 9 was the victim of what a human would regard as horrific abuse, having seen her parents killed and herself assimilated by the Borg as a child. It's amazing she can communicate at all after being separated from the Collective; with nothing but her human self to rely upon, and the perfect Borg memory to replay the trauma before her eyes, she could well have gone into total catatonic withdrawal.

Lt. Reginald Barclay, on the other hand, seems pretty Aspie to me...

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07 Aug 2010, 6:23 pm

I never thought about Gene Roddenberry as having AS before & I don't think he has it but I could be wrong. When he created The Original Series he created certain characters for specific rezones. There was a lot of racism in America & the rest of the world at the time & Roddenberry cast people from different races to show that people could work together. Spock was half human & half Vulcan to show that humans could not only get along with other humans but also other species/aliens/humanoids. Spock was logical to show/point out things about emotions. Sometimes emotions can be bad & cause problems(remember that racism thing I metnioned; that is NOT logical). When Gene created The Next Generation he created Data to be the other side of the coin that Spock was. Data claimed not to feel emotions & he wanted to where as Spock had emotions but did not want em. Data was trying to point out the good in emotions.
I'm not sure if Roddenberry was around & had a hand in creating Deep Space Nine or not. I'm not really sure why Odo was created to be the way he was. Odo seemed more Schizoid than AS to me. I think I most resemble Odo out of those three & I was officially diagnosed as Schizoid instead of AS thou I'm pretty sure I have AS. I think Schizoid could be an adaptation/learned thing cuz of AS but that discussion is for another thread on a different section of the forum

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09 Aug 2010, 1:40 am

I've only seen the original series so I don't know about the other characters. I see aspie-ish signs in Spock, but I agree that it was because of what he said, how Vulcans suppress their emotions.

They make shirts that say "Spock wasn't Vulcan, he was autistic, with pointy ears." :lol:

After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.

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14 Aug 2010, 6:25 pm

Vulcan is a race, everyone in the race has the same personality traits (because the creators were stupid that way, apparently only humans can have different personalities or something). Spock is not autistic or Asperger's he is a Vulcan. Data does not have Asperger's he is a robot. And yes he had emotions long before emotion chip was installed, he did not however have anger or fear but he did have love as well as affection, though not in the beginning.

The only character I have seen that has Asperger's is Barclay. I do not know of 7of9 or Odo, I have not seen them.

The aliens act that way whether there are humans around or not, because THEY ARE ALIENS. That is normal for their species. If the species has traits that seem to humans to be similar to Asperger's Syndrome, then it is because that species does not have Asperger's Syndrome in it. They are a species.

Racism is not an emotion =\.


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14 Aug 2010, 6:46 pm

Ravyn, 7 of 9 was a Borged human, captured as a small girl when her parents' deep-space exploration craft wandered into Borg space. When the Intrepid-class long-range scout Voyager, under Capt. Kathryn Janeway, crossed into Borg space while returning to Federation space from the far side of the galaxy, the Borg, who had need of Janeway's assistance in dealing with a species from another universe that threatened to destroy them, granted Voyager safe passage through their space, and assigned 7 of 9, secondary adjunct to Unimatrix 001, as their liason with Voyager's crew. After passing through Borg space, and the Borg's attempt to renege on their deal at the last moment, the escaped starship and their newly-liberated Borg companion continued on.

Seven, of course, had little understanding of human (or Klingon, or Betazed, or...) interaction; several episodes either centered around or peripherally involved her attempts to learn more about what was expected of her, and how people would react to her. (It helped that she was played by Jeri Ryan in a skin-tight catsuit - this ensured that most males, and some females, would have favorable initial reactions...) ;)

Odo, on Deep Space Nine, was a shapeshifting being who at first had no idea where he was from - he had come through the wormhole decades earlier, had imprinted on a Bajoran scientist, and was employed as Chief Constable (his preferred description) aboard first Cardassian Occupation Station Terrak Nor, vital to the subjugation of Bajor, then Starfleet Deep Space Station Nine (the same station, seized by the Bajorans for reparations after the war between the Federation and the Cardassian Union, then leased to the Federation because Bajoran space capability had been pretty well dismantled during the Occupation). He turned out to be a member of a race called the Founders, rulers of most of the space on the other side of the wormhole, sent through as an infant to gather information and act as an advance agent for the Founders. Sadly for their plans, he remained away from them too long, and became too independent.

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