In The Dark Knight Returns, Harvey Dent has just finished recovering from facial-reconstruction surgery, then vanished. Batman worries that he may have returned to a life of crime, and follows a bank robber who was just released from jail after a very Two-Face-like crime (two cars left simultaneously, the money was in the other one). As Bats enters the apartment, the robber backs away from him, crying out, "You can't do this! I have rights--!" At this point, he backs right through the window, which shatters, stabbing fragments into him:
"You've got rights. Lots of rights. Sometimes I count them just to make myself feel crazy. But right now you've got a piece of glass shoved into a major artery in your arm. Right now you're bleeding to death. Right now, I'm the only one in the world who can get you to a hospital in time."
An internal monologue a bit later - Bats has just been shot by Two-Face's men, knocking him off the high-wire he was using to cross between buildings, and blowing the yellow oval off his chest:
"Magnum load, has to be -- hits like a freight express -- chest plate holds -- why do you think I wear a target on my chest, can't armor my head -- chest hurts -- if it's a heart attack I'm finished -- a fine death -- but there are the thousands to think of -- and Harvey - I have to know..." (fires rappeling line into wing of Two-Face's helicopter)
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.