NOT TONIGHT HE DOESN'T... Come... In the night... Trogdor...
I never thought of Homestar being secretly smart. Have you seen the latest Strong Bad Email, where Strong Bad talks about the 4 branches of stupid things Homestar's done? The Bureau of Doing Stupid Things at the Office was pretty funny.
Homestar: (Offscreen) Stro Bro, free bagels at the water cooler!
Strong Bad: (On the phone) I'm sorry, ma'am, free bagels just happened!
(He jumps up from his chair and runs to the water cooler. Homestar is stuck inside somehow)
Strong Bad: Aw man! This isn't free bagels!
Homestar: No, but it is free-ing Homestar from the water cooler. That's pretty sweet.
Strong Bad: Just explain to me what you were trying to do when this happened.
Homestar: Well, I was in Barbados, hanging a picture on the wall...
Strong Bad: Okay, that tells me everything I need to know.
Everyone is different. No two people are not on fire.