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26 Feb 2007, 1:00 am

Oh yeah, I forgot about Shikamaru. Highly intelligent, thinks other people are "bothersome", gets along better with adults than with his peers.

And Rock Lee - Has language peculiarities (too formal word choices), regarded by others as a "weirdo".

Gosh, I guess you could make a case for a lot of characters from Naruto.


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26 Feb 2007, 1:00 am

Oh yeah, I forgot about Shikamaru. Highly intelligent, thinks other people are "bothersome", gets along better with adults than with his peers.

And Rock Lee - Has language peculiarities (too formal word choices), regarded by others as a "weirdo".

Gosh, I guess you could make a case for a lot of characters from Naruto.


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26 Feb 2007, 1:02 am

Oh yeah, I forgot about Shikamaru. Highly intelligent, thinks other people are "bothersome", gets along better with adults than with his peers.

And Rock Lee - Has language peculiarities (too formal word choices), regarded by others as a "weirdo".

Gosh, I guess you could make a case for a lot of characters from Naruto.


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26 Feb 2007, 1:03 am

Oops, I clicked the 'submit' button too many times. :oops:


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26 Feb 2007, 10:56 am

andy1976uk wrote:
How about Lisa Simpson

Lisa Simpson is one of my favourite Simpsons characters as I can Strongly relate to her.


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26 Feb 2007, 9:53 pm

Rocko from "Rocko's modern Life" and Mr. Bean

I've read the Harry potter books and I don't think any of them has AS

My problem is that my sphere of 'personal space' takes up about 3 1\2 square acres


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26 Feb 2007, 10:25 pm

Jay186 wrote:
Rocko from "Rocko's modern Life" and Mr. Bean

I've read the Harry potter books and I don't think any of them has AS

I know nothing about Mr. Bean but I'm just glad I'm not the only one who thinks that about Rocko (see post on previous page)!


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28 Feb 2007, 12:54 am

ping-machine wrote:
I know in many places people have come up with other "ideas."

Anyway, here are some I thought of that are not aforementioned HERE. (Including some people here may or may not know.)

1. Mr Bean.
Rowan Atkinson has been known to say that Mr Bean is not stupid. He is merely inept when it comes to social norms, but often comes up with ingenious solutions to the problems he finds himself in.

2. Lucius Hunt (Joaquin Phoenix) from The Village.
As he is very often reluctant to express his feelings verbally, and very likely hyperlexic.

3. Reg Hollis from The Bill.
He is decidedly the most eccentric character. His physical co-ordination is a little poor. He is constantly messing up the social rules. (But he's also very loyal and dedicated to his job.)

4. The Flax family (Cher, Winona Ryder, Christina Ricci) from Mermaids.
Because of their unusual characters. And both girls have their own obsessions (Charlotte with Catholic saints, and Kate with water, marine life, and swimming.)

5. Ishikawa Goemon from Lupin III.
He's quite withdrawn, rarely looks anyone in the eye, and also very precise with a sword (suggesting a high level of mathematical aptitude and sensory perceptions beyond the range of "normal")

Anyway... Maybe... Maybe not... (shrugs)

Agree with Lucious definitely!

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28 Feb 2007, 3:21 pm

What about Catherine from "The Heiress" (1949 movie based on Henry James's novel "Washington Square"). And also the same character from the 1997 movie "Washington Square". (The movies are both set in the mid-1800's, in Victorian times.)

In both movies she is very shy and socially awkward. Her father is very unaccepting of her as she is, which doesn't help matters, but he tried teaching her things and having family members do things with her to make her more extroverted, to no avail. In "The Heiress" she seems to like to do little more than embroider until she fell in love with a man. She is very naive socially. She tells the truth no matter what, at least until she is hurt and grows a hard shell. She has two ways of being: naive and loving and enthusiastic (before being hurt); and cold and cynical (after being hurt). She believes what someone says--the man she loves must love her because "he said he did". After she is hurt by several people, she no longer believes any good thing anyone says to's as if she now realizes she can't tell the difference, so better not to believe anyone. this seems like an Aspie thing to do and is something I've done in the past. (But maybe it's a social anxiety trait too.)

The only problem with Catherine in "The Heiress" being Aspie is the way that Olivia deHavilland played the part, she is very big on eye contact and facial expressions. However, Jennifer Jason Leigh who played her in "Washington Square" really seems to play her as an autistic person. I haven't seen the movie in a year or so, but it seems like she had a problem even making eye contact and talking much at all, and some people even implied she was ret*d. But she obviously had intelligence based on later scenes in the movie, so it seems like probably she was Aspie.


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01 Mar 2007, 2:13 pm

Bob Melnikov from Regenesis. David said in one episode that Bob was Aspi.

He is really representative of it too ;)

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01 Mar 2007, 2:41 pm

Lau wrote:
At least Brennan and Zack from "Bones".

Wow, I was going to suggest them had I not seen them in the thread. Me and my mom where talking about it the other day.


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02 Mar 2007, 8:01 pm

Pendergast wrote:
Lau wrote:
At least Brennan and Zack from "Bones".

Wow, I was going to suggest them had I not seen them in the thread. Me and my mom where talking about it the other day.[/quote

Yeah. That's really the only show I watch on TV because of the sheer number of autistic people I can relate to. My mother thinks that I act a lot like Brennan, but personally I don't see it, because she's far more focused and I...well...I've got ADD.

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02 Mar 2007, 8:04 pm

Thought just popped into my head.

Perhaps Emily Dickinson?
The poet?

I know she's not a TV, movie, or cartoon character, but her hermetism(sp?) seems very aspie-ish.

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03 Mar 2007, 7:50 pm

dontwanttoknow wrote:
I agree on Gil Grissom from "CSI" and possibly Sara Sidle and David Hodges as well. Hodges may just be an ass-kisser though, but people don't like him very well and he's always talking about stuff that people don't want to listen to.

Also what about Adam Ross from "CSI: NY"? He seems kind of awkward and is always going on and on about things, even though they are things pertaining to his job. But it seems to be all he can talk about.

Also, Deputy Sacks from "Veronica Mars"...I just thought this in the last episode.
1. He didn't know when the snarky Sheriff Lamb was kidding. Sheriff Lamb was always making smartass crscks so you'd think Sacks would know unless he was an Aspie and couldn't read facial expressions/body language.
2. When Sheriff Lamb was beaten up, Sacks just froze and couldn't do anything, not even call 911. Keith Mars had to tell him to call. I've heard some people say this is an autistic trait, though I'm sure that some NT's might freeze in that situation as well. But some people with AS seem to think that only Aspies have these traits, so I don't know.

Also, what about Robert Goren from "Law and Order: Criminal Intent"?

Sara Sidle seems more like a bipolar with "Adult Child" issues than an Autie or Aspie.

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07 Mar 2007, 7:06 pm

1. How about Jack Bauer? I know, the aspie face of 24 is Chloe, but Jack shows some signs too
- expert in narrow areas (torturing/terrorists/kicking ass)
- always honest and logical
- always seems out of place in social situations
Then again, he's been through so much sh*t no wonder he's weird, and the show doesn't concentrate on his social life

2. Dexter, the serial killer from the show Dexter
Another stretch, but I could always relate to his social/emotional blindness. His obsession is blood and death, he learned social stuff pretty much by pure training.

3. Jerry "Hands" Espenson, from the show Boston legal
He's diagnosed with Apsergers. Great recurring character. His symptoms seem exaggerated, but still spot on.

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07 Mar 2007, 7:12 pm

About Doctor House and aspergers:

"Wilson talks to Cuddy to try and resolve the problem with the carpet, "I'm going to read you something. 'Asperger's syndrome is a mild and rare form of autism. It is typically characterized by difficulty establishing friendships and playing with peers, trouble accepting conventional social rules, and they dislike any change in setting or routine'... or broadloom. Doesn't say that last part but you get my point.

Cuddy isn't buying it, "House doesn't have Asperger's, diagnosis is much simpler; he's a jerk."

"Why do you think he took this case? Because he believes these parents? Because he wants to help a young boy? He sees himself in this kid and he's trying to help himself. He doesn't want this, he needs it."

Later Wilson tells House, "You're not autistic; you don't even have Asperger's. You wish you did, it would exempt you from the rules, give you freedom, absolve you of responsibility, let you date 17-yr-olds. But most important it would mean that you're not just a jerk."

House wants Wilson to shut up, "At what point does a person endlessly lecturing someone make him a jerk?"