Some movie cries:
IMITATION OF LIFE (1950s version,Lana Turner)
DELOVELY (Kevin Spacey-Cole Porter story-Welled up,stopped short of crying)
1970s,Broadway musical version of
FIDDLER ON THE ROOF (Saw with my father)
Weirdly,cried during the last/6th STAR WARS film-I don't even like SW all that much,and missed the 4th and the 5th! Kind of about how much time had passed,since the earlier ones...
Dear Moderator:-PLEASE,could you switch this into the long post about miovie cries? I didn't notice until I had typed this all that I had,once again,clicked on "New Topic" rather than "Reply" and I HATE retyping things,and I have little to no "real" Internet skill,I can't turn this from a NT to a R any other way...