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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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13 Jul 2014, 1:46 pm

I got to page 30 of this forum and realized there are no Doctor Who Forums. So does anyone out there also like DW?


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13 Jul 2014, 1:58 pm

GallifreyGal wrote:
I got to page 30 of this forum and realized there are no Doctor Who Forums. So does anyone out there also like DW?

Of course.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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13 Jul 2014, 2:13 pm

Yay! Another Doctor Who fan! :D

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13 Jul 2014, 3:16 pm



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13 Jul 2014, 4:02 pm

Sure. After all, the Doctor cheated death in Utah!

I admit that I stopped watching during the Matt Smith years. It just seemed that he couldn't do drama as well as David Tennant.

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13 Jul 2014, 6:45 pm

Hell yeah!

Been watching since 1973, when the series first came to the US. John Pertwee was THE MAN as far as I am concerned and still is!

I'm very excited to see some more Pertwee-esque badassery from Mr. Capaldi. Can't wait!

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13 Jul 2014, 7:19 pm

I just got into it this year when I had subscribed to netflix. Right now I am on the 10th Doctor and Martha Jones who are an awesome duo.

I am also a huge fan of daleks even though they are genuinely evil.


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14 Jul 2014, 2:07 am

I've been a fan for the past six years, I actually saw Torchwood first and got swept right in. No words to describe what the show does for me.


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14 Jul 2014, 6:04 am

Well, over 2,000 years old?

Given the average lifespan of 100 years and 12 regenerations (13 incarnations), wouldn't that put a cap at around 1,500 years (never mind the short tenure of certain incarnations)?

Are they capping the new DW at 12 regenerations or did they find a way to make regeneration infinite?

Tufted Titmouse
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14 Jul 2014, 9:07 am

zer0netgain wrote:
Well, over 2,000 years old?

Given the average lifespan of 100 years and 12 regenerations (13 incarnations), wouldn't that put a cap at around 1,500 years (never mind the short tenure of certain incarnations)?

Are they capping the new DW at 12 regenerations or did they find a way to make regeneration infinite?

Here is an explanation on The Doctor's Age


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14 Jul 2014, 12:55 pm

Yes I like the show a lot. Season 5 is my favourite season so far. Vincent and The Doctor is my favourite episode.

Excited to see Capaldi and more Jenna Coleman. :)


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14 Jul 2014, 3:52 pm

I'm excited for the new series. My favorite doctor is David Tennant, though I really liked Matt Smith.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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14 Jul 2014, 6:37 pm

zer0netgain wrote:

Are they capping the new DW at 12 regenerations or did they find a way to make regeneration infinite?

Well, if you remember that whole River Song and Hitler scenario, I think that explains a bit, sine she gave most of her regenerations to him.....

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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14 Jul 2014, 8:03 pm

The Time Lords gave him a new set of regenerations at the end of Time of the Doctor.

Just watched the first episode of the new series which got leaked from BBC America, and I'm thinking that Moffat has well and truly disappeared up his own backside. Hopefully Peter Capaldi will still be in the role when Doctor Who gets a new showrunner because he deserves much better than the self indulgent crap that Moffat wrote for this episode.


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14 Jul 2014, 8:37 pm

I loved the first four seasons of the 2005 reboot with Christoper Eccleston and David Tennant. The later seasons with Matt Smith were a bit hit or miss for me; individual episodes were still good but the overall story arc was less compelling, and Matt Smith was too whimsical and less grounded than the previous Doctors. Also all the companions in seasons 1-4 had satisfying character arcs, even Martha who I didn't particularly enjoy as a character. In contrast, Amy and Rory's departure from the series felt anticlimactic and their actions often felt contrived. The entire arc with River Song was the worst contrivance I've seen in the series and never felt believable.

In many ways seasons 5-7 felt like another reboot of the series, and I hope the next season ends up feeling the same.


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14 Jul 2014, 9:16 pm

Enigmatic_Oddity wrote:
Matt Smith was too whimsical and less grounded than the previous Doctors.

Previous Doctors weren't always so grounded either. Think of Patrick Troughton. Or consider Tom Baker. He started off as very dark and serious but got lighter and sillier and less grounded as the show went on. Or Sylvester McCoy. He started of being lighter and sillier and got darker and more serious as his arc went on, before being cut abruptly short.