Silent Hill. I wasn't expecting much and didn't see it in theaters, waiting instead for the DVD. But I was stunned by how much money and effort went into that film (the first one) on every level, from the acting to the special effects. Unlike most game movies, it felt like it was made by people who not only played video games, but played that specific video game and enjoyed it. The script wasn't perfect, but the movie's heart was in the right place. It really did feel and sound like the games, too. Solid thumbs-up from me.
Case 39 was another surprise. Unoriginal horror-thriller starring Renee Zellweger and Jodelle Ferland (Alessa/Sharon from Silent Hill), sat on the shelf for years, something about a demonic child, bla bla bla. But when a certain movie critic I respect gave it a good review, I tried it out and liked it a lot. Once again, some extra effort and dedication from the people involved made the difference between a train wreck and a decent film.
Watch a clip of it for yourself, where Ferland brilliantly straddles the line between someone who's clearly a child and something that clearly isn't, and tell me you don't want to give this film a look.
Clammy frog descends
Demon's wind, the stars answer your desire
Join the undead, that's the place you'll never leave
You wanna die...
but death cannot do us apart...