Season Finale(s)!
Vice President Personality Disorder (in the previous episode) agrees with Jack's Dad to give his son to him in exchange for the circuit chip. Manface argues that stupid since Jack's Dad is a psychopath and cannot be trusted. But the Vice President says they have to do it since otherwise there will be war with the Russians (like, OMG!). Manface: (weeping) But's it's an innocent, boy! VP: Screw 'em. ... I'm with the VP on this one.
CTU is informed and Jack is informed and Jack, naturally, doesn't want to go along. Jack: IT ISN'T FAIR!! ! Jack calls Manface, who agrees that it's A-OK to betray the acting commander-and-chief and agrees to call Bill to conspire with Jack.
Oh, before this, of course, the package turns out to be a fake, and Doyle is blinded (which means we won't have to deal with little Ricky Schroeder next year). This makes Jack retroactively right, as always, and the Vice President wrong in the magical world of television logic.
Admittedly, the episode was pretty well done considering there was anything super shocking or anything.
One thing that was kinda dumb was Jack's dad using oil rig's within site of the coast. I mean, come on! Why not just station a submarine a short distance out. Oh, but that would be a violation of US coastal waters! But like the Chinese have really cared about legalities "today!"
EDIT: Oh, yeah. Milo's brother. That was strange.
Jack and Bill go in the helicopter to rescue Josh. The sequence, mixed with the incoming fighters and missiles, isn't as cool as it should have been considering the set. First, Cheng hands Jack's dad the circuit board, and then goes with all of his men to fight whatever force was coming. Why? Why not leave someone to escort Jack's dad and the boy. Also, why not have someone in case, just as it happens, the boy gets a hold of the gun. Why does it take so long for Jack's dad to decide to leave?
The fight is OK but anti-climatic. I didn't think Josh would shoot his grandfather at all, wasn't that surprising. Jack's conversation with his father ("You are getting off easy.") rally didn't amount to much considering the rather smart buildup to having Jack having such an evil father. The rest after that wrote itself.
The White House stuff was fine this time.
The Chloe "pregnant" thing was just stupid. I mean there is nothing wrong with having a character pregnant or mentioning it but pretending that is a dramatic announcement on a show like 24 is kind of lame. Especially after all the terrible dialogue between Chloe and, I can't even remember the bald guy's name! It's not him though, it the writing.
The ending was fine and probably a good idea. They needed to leave something that left open possibilities, and did just that. Overall this was easily the poorest season of 24. From A to F, perhaps a C-, but much of that would be skewed by the strong opening (that probably hurt the show for the season in the long run). Remember, people, in episode 4 of this year a nuke went off in Valenzia? That's big. After that, and the introduction of evil Jack's father, pretty much all downhill.