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Does she have Aspergers?
Yes 16%  16%  [ 14 ]
No 84%  84%  [ 75 ]
Total votes : 89


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27 Jan 2009, 3:12 am

matt groening almost certainly has as.


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27 Jan 2009, 4:49 am

Lisa doesn't have it. She's too outgoing and draws too much attention to herself (answering questions in class?? You wouldn't have caught me doing that in a million years :lol: )

The only characters that are vaguely AS are the 3 computer nerds that Homer met when he went to university to catch up on his nuclear physics.


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27 Jan 2009, 4:48 pm

I don't see why she would have it.


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05 Feb 2009, 3:20 pm

kt-64 wrote:
Lisa simpson is too illogical to be AS: she is a amember of peta, she is a vegan.

And? I have AS and I too am a member of Peta and a vegan.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.


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05 Feb 2009, 3:30 pm

Not at all


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05 Feb 2009, 5:35 pm

No, otherwise they would have mentioned it in an episode. Just like when Principal Skinner said Bart had ADD.

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05 Mar 2016, 1:36 pm

no. many people have social issues and don't fit in.

and she empathises with others, and even gives her father relationship/love advice.

and unconventional beliefs? :lol: :lol: since when is that or should that be a symptom of anything? this isn't Victorian times...


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05 Mar 2016, 3:44 pm

No, she seems just like a slightly stereotyped but "normal" gifted kid, a bit nerdy and too serious to be popular like some gifted children are, but that's all.


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05 Mar 2016, 5:44 pm

Despite being socially awkward, Lisa is much to intuitive to be one of us, so I voted no.

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05 Mar 2016, 11:54 pm

moelking wrote:
if any simpson is an aspie it would have to be maggie. she is smart and keeps to her self. pluse the obbision with the pacefire.
She also has mutism or selective mutism. She's never talked except in one ep where she says Dad at the end. Some women have commented on how it's weird that she doesn't talk.

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06 Mar 2016, 12:18 am

likedcalico wrote:
If you think she has Aspergers, explain why?

I don't think she does. I don't see anything aspie about her. Sure she is honest and she is an outcast but that is because she is very smart and the other kids are jealous of her. Even NTs can make straight A's.

Lisa Simpson is very smart, passionate, and idealistic. But I don't see enough autistic qualities in her. She seems to fit in and socialize pretty well with some of her schoolmates, playing with Malibu Stacey and all.

With good school grades, saxophone talent and all, there is such thing as an NT prodigy.

I would set my eyes more on Ralph Wiggums, Milhouse, or the comic book store owner. But even those guys have things which cast doubt on that theory. I haven't watched the show in many many years, so I wouldn't know who else might better qualify.

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06 Mar 2016, 8:34 am

The Simpsons is my biggest special interest. I've seen every episode multiple times and have over 23,000 posts on a Simpsons forum, so I think I'm qualified to give an answer on this.

While it has crossed my mind a few times, I don't think she has Asperger's. She has the ability to navigate social situations and isn't confused by them. She's not an outcast because she can't talk to people—she's an outcast because she's so much smarter than they are. This is backed up in the season 21 episode Stealing First Base when she mistakenly receives someone else's test that got an F and becomes more popular because of it.

She doesn't really possess any special interests; she enjoys playing with the saxophone and her Malibu Stacy dolls, as well as reading and learning about various new topics, but other than in Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words from season 20, she doesn't get deep enough into subjects to really be seen as an Aspie in my view.


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06 Mar 2016, 9:12 am

Lisa Simpson can not possibly be an aspie, because she is not a real person!

I know that it's hard for some of you to take, but cartoon characters are not real people.



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09 Mar 2016, 1:25 pm

Fnord wrote:
Lisa Simpson can not possibly be an aspie, because she is not a real person!

I know that it's hard for some of you to take, but cartoon characters are not real people.


Of course not, but this is based on the assumption that cartoon characters are comparable to real life humans. Obviously they are not but it's fun to speculate.

To answer the question, I never saw that for a second. She is more like my not Aspie brother than me even being the social outcast.


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10 Mar 2016, 11:44 pm

I once read that Cookie Monster supposedly has Asperger's because of his monosyllable vocabulary and, of course, his living on cookies (although he's eaten a lot of other things besides cookies since first appearing on Sesame Street). I though whoever wrote that has no idea what Asperger's really is.

You've got to love the contradictions - a character who is a genius is autistic, another character is slow and dumb is autistic, a character who is mute is autistic, another character who talks all the time is autistic. Give. Me. A. Break.


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11 Mar 2016, 12:07 am

lostonearth35 wrote:
I once read that Cookie Monster supposedly has Asperger's because of his monosyllable vocabulary and, of course, his living on cookies (although he's eaten a lot of other things besides cookies since first appearing on Sesame Street). I though whoever wrote that has no idea what Asperger's really is.

You've got to love the contradictions - a character who is a genius is autistic, another character is slow and dumb is autistic, a character who is mute is autistic, another character who talks all the time is autistic. Give. Me. A. Break.
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marcb0t... is... aspie... and... like... coo... kiiee... too!

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