13quant13 wrote:
Episode 11 was one of my all-time favorites! It had a little bit of everything. I agree with what I saw someone say, though... the conversation between Hawk and the Log Lady sounded like a final one. In advance, in the event that Hawk dies, I am calling this an acceptable moment to shed a tear to. Deputy Hawk and Major Briggs were my two favorite characters.
Yes, ep. eleven must have been my favourite episode this far as well but I've probably been thinking the same of nearly every episode. The Log Lady's talk really strikes me as the last one too but we may be wrong.
Is it just me or does Hawk look like getting impatient (to say the least) at the Lady in every new call? He appears to me as if he's about to yell "hey Margaret if you have anything important to say please cut the crap. I'm in a meeting and I'm a police officer, there's a lot to do here". Maybe this impatience mirrors that of some people in the audience as well, even if not the intention.

This is the episode I watched the most in the whole series, both from the original and new installments - and I couldn't get enough of it yet. The most amazing thing about it is that time really flies while I watch it, maybe that's why I keep coming back to it. I reckon I've watched it thirteen times yet. I don't think I ever watched to any other series episodes that many times. I'm not used to rewatch things. The feature-length film I watched the most would be Fight Club around the twenty rewatches mark, yet, the second most rewatched may be around three.
EDIT: I think the second most rewatched would have been "2001" (Kubrick), only about five times, even though I like it way more than Fight Club.