Any Whovians?
Hi, I'm Jessica. I'm 28. I'm a huge Doctor Who fan. I haven't gotten a chance to watch the Classic Doctor Who's because I live in New Jersey and I can't find anywhere to watch them in full. But, I have seen a couple of clips on Youtube. I like all of the doctors and companions but my favorite is The Eleventh Doctor because he's the first doctor I saw in an episode. My favorite companion is Donna because she's funny and sarcastic. I like her scene in the Pompeii episode when she says, "Donna, human, no." and also when she say's, 'You fought him off with a water pistol.'' I also like her accent as well.
My first episode of Doctor Who that I saw was The Pandora Opens. I really like that episode and the way the doctor gives his speech. It's the episode that got me hooked to watching Doctor Who.
I am really excited for the Christmas episode in December. Also I am happy the new doctor is a woman and is played by Jodie Whittaker because I've seen her act in the TV show Broadchurch and I think she's a really good actor. So, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how she does as the 13th Doctor. I would like to dress as her for Halloween but I don't know what her outfit is.
But, yeah. If there's any other Doctor Who fans on this site, what is your first episode of Doctor Who you saw? Who is your favorite Doctor and companion? And what is your favorite episode of Doctor?
Anything else about Doctor Who that you'd like to add would be cool too.
Sometimes people look at me like I'm from another planet.
The first episode I saw depends on your definition, but I guess "The Parting of the Ways" is the right one. I was too scared to watch the earlier episodes of Series 1 so watched this one through my fingers.
My favourite Doctor is definitely Twelve. Capaldi is by far the best actor and the writing has been really strong in his time. He also had the benefit of largely being paired with Clara, who became a really compelling character once Smith regenerated. Coleman is a great actress. Donna shows more character development so I guess is the "better" companion, but I prefer Clara.
Really looking forward to Thirteen. If it hadn't been a woman then I'd probably have been really disappointed. They need to keep things fresh rather than retreading old ground.
My favourite Doctor is definitely Twelve. Capaldi is by far the best actor and the writing has been really strong in his time. He also had the benefit of largely being paired with Clara, who became a really compelling character once Smith regenerated. Coleman is a great actress. Donna shows more character development so I guess is the "better" companion, but I prefer Clara.
Really looking forward to Thirteen. If it hadn't been a woman then I'd probably have been really disappointed. They need to keep things fresh rather than retreading old ground.
Capaldi did an awesome job in his role as the 12th Doctor and I'm really sad to see him go. But, onwards with a new doctor, it's time. And I am glad you like Clara as a companion. I feel like not many whovians liked her very much. But she was also one of my favorites. I loved her storyline and hope she can come back to the show because I feel like there's more to her that we don't know yet.
Sometimes people look at me like I'm from another planet.
...My vote re: the Doctor She is more neutral/ " eh - okay ". I' m not greatly for it, I' m not really against it.
I probably won't get to see it, anyway , as I said in the other current Doctor Who tbread.
Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
One of the walking wounded ~ SMASHED DOWN by life and age, now prevented from even expressing myself! SOB.
" Oh, no! First you have to PROVE you deserve to go away to college! " ~ My mother, 1978 (the heyday of Andy Gibb and Player). I would still like to go.
My life destroyed by Thorazine and Mellaril - and rape - and the Psychiatric/Industrial Complex. SOB:-(! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!
My first episode of Doctor Who that I saw was The Pandora Opens. I really like that episode and the way the doctor gives his speech. It's the episode that got me hooked to watching Doctor Who.
I am really excited for the Christmas episode in December. Also I am happy the new doctor is a woman and is played by Jodie Whittaker because I've seen her act in the TV show Broadchurch and I think she's a really good actor. So, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how she does as the 13th Doctor. I would like to dress as her for Halloween but I don't know what her outfit is.
But, yeah. If there's any other Doctor Who fans on this site, what is your first episode of Doctor Who you saw? Who is your favorite Doctor and companion? And what is your favorite episode of Doctor?
Anything else about Doctor Who that you'd like to add would be cool too.
I am thrilled that we finally get a female incarnation. Its long overdue.
My favourite Doctor is definitely Twelve. Capaldi is by far the best actor and the writing has been really strong in his time. He also had the benefit of largely being paired with Clara, who became a really compelling character once Smith regenerated. Coleman is a great actress. Donna shows more character development so I guess is the "better" companion, but I prefer Clara.
Really looking forward to Thirteen. If it hadn't been a woman then I'd probably have been really disappointed. They need to keep things fresh rather than retreading old ground.
Capaldi did an awesome job in his role as the 12th Doctor and I'm really sad to see him go. But, onwards with a new doctor, it's time. And I am glad you like Clara as a companion. I feel like not many whovians liked her very much. But she was also one of my favorites. I loved her storyline and hope she can come back to the show because I feel like there's more to her that we don't know yet.
She is my favorite. The companion I don't really like that a lot of others love is Amy.
I'm not sure how I feel about the Doctor being a women. I'll find out when I see how she is as the Doctor.
I thought my first Doctor had been 11 when I watched "The Time of Angels" with my brother, but turns out it was either 9 or 10. When watching through Doctor Who I realised I had seen at least "Dalek" and "Fear Her" when I was younger and hadn't known it was Doctor Who.
My favourite Doctor is 12 as I relate to him the most for some reason. I also think Capaldi portrays the Doctor wonderfully, and I love his scottish accent I'm rather sad to see him go. Though that's been true for every Doctor so far, except this time it's my favourite leaving. I am curious what this new show runner will bring to the show. I thought 12 had both some of the worst and some of the best episodes story-wise.
After the 12th Doctor, my next favourite is the 4th. I've knit two of his scarves and am planning on knitting a third here soon once I've found the yarn I'd like to use this time.
My favourite companion is K-9. I really liked Donna as well. I love how her and 10 interact. "Your not matin' with me, sunshine!" XD
Female | Suspected Aspergers | Tolkienist | Ravenclaw | Whovian
"I do not wish to evade the world
Yet I will forever build my own" - Tuomas Holopainen
Yeaaah hi!
My first episode was the mannequin one, I started watching it when I was 4 going on 5 with Eckles. I remember the lights were turned off and being super scared to go pee bc I was afarid the mannequins would come get me lol.
And even at 11 I was soo scared of the weeping angels, I watched an entire episode with them in behind a pillow. I'm not as Doctor Who-y as I was. It's cool that Jodie will be the doctor, the only thing is - she was auburn before, which I think is a kind of ginger. Did she dye her hair on purpose lol? Bc the doctor *really* wants to be ginger.
There's this cool band I used to listen to which only make Doctor Who songs. They are called Chameleon Circuit, you should check them out.
I’m more into old school Doctor Who than the more recent stuff. I think that’s because I grew up watching videos and reruns of the classic era. I do like the new show as well but I have found it frustrating and even annoying at times.
My favourite Doctors are the Second and Fourth incarnations. I’d say the Tenth Doctor is probably the best out of the modern ones as some of the best episodes were during his era. I really wanted to like the Thirteenth Doctor as Peter Capaldi is a great actor but he’s been badly let down by the quality of the scripts. I’m really curious to see how Jodie Whittaker approaches the character.
As for favourite episodes, the best one from the current show was the Human Nature 2 parter which was just superb. Blink is a close second. From the classic era, some awesome stories people should check out include The Caves of Androzani, Inferno, The Web of Fear, The Deadly Assassin and The Curse of Fenric. If anyone has never seen the old show, I STRONGLY recommend that you check it out.
I think she will be good. I've seen her on Broadchurch with David Tennant.
I'll miss Peter Capaldi. I love his sense of humor, and I like him as an actor. It does does not surprise me that he is hanging up his sonic screw driver. It is a grueling schedule. It was grueling for David Tennant and Matt Smith, and Peter is 59. I always look forward to a change in the Doctor. Back in the old days it took some getting use to Peter Davidson replacing Tom Baker, and Colin Baker replacing Peter Davidson. Then I grew to enjoy the change and the differences. I am really looking forward to Jodie Whittaker's take on the Doctor.
Joined: 5 Jan 2010
Age: 50
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I'm hesitant posting because I am not sure when "old post" is too old. But I wanted to mention that IMDB has a nice photo of Jodie Whitaker in Doctor garb standing in front of the Tardis. I really like the photo. Nice lighting and color (or colour). I think she looks like a Doctor.
Still not ginger though...
Woot woot! Hello Whovians! I'm so happy that there is a new Doctor Who thread
As for me, I am beyond excited that we have a female doctor and even more excited that it is Jodie. I'm a huge fan of hers. I loved her in Broadchurch and Attack The Block. There is another great film with her, Adult Life Skills, that I highly recommend too.
My favorite companions are Rose Tyler and Clara Oswald, but I think they all were great in their own ways.
"Have you never seen something so mad, so extraordinary... That just for one second, you think that there might be more out there?" -Gwen Cooper, Torchwood