The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

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09 Sep 2022, 2:48 am

UncannyDanny wrote:
There are some actors from the LOTR Trilogy who are promoting against this kind of backlash: ... 0ae7df8da8

TBH, this is starting to give me second thoughts on giving Rings of Power a try....

The acting is pretty top notch! I would give it a try


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15 Sep 2022, 8:47 am

So having watched the first three episodes I'm coming down on the "this is rubbish" side of the fence. And no, it's nothing to do with black hobbits or beardless lady dwarves.

It's simply that Amazon Studios spent all the money on the visuals. And it looks amazing. But god, it's boring. How hard would it have been to spend some of that money on scriptwriters who can tell a story and write dialogue? And maybe some actors who can, you know, act?

Remember how much story Peter Jackson got into a three hour movie? Then compare that to the amount of story we've had in three hours of Rings of Power. It's negligible.

Don't cry. It's just spinach.


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15 Sep 2022, 7:13 pm

DuckHairback wrote:
Remember how much story Peter Jackson got into a three hour movie? Then compare that to the amount of story we've had in three hours of Rings of Power. It's negligible.

Your comparing films to tv shows. Tv shows can take their time.

But yes LOTR movies are vastly better than the Rings of power TV show. We all know that of course


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15 Sep 2022, 7:38 pm

A story with sorcery, dragons, and magical rings, cant have hobbits with brown skin, wouldnt be plausible!! !! !! !


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15 Sep 2022, 9:44 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
A story with sorcery, dragons, and magical rings, cant have hobbits with brown skin, wouldnt be plausible!! ! ! ! ! !



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15 Sep 2022, 9:48 pm

DuckHairback wrote:
Remember how much story Peter Jackson got into a three hour movie? Then compare that to the amount of story we've had in three hours of Rings of Power. It's negligible.

Yes I think that it's unfair to compare a big budget production over 3 hours which allows for character development and access to a smorgasbord of A-list actors

For the resources they had, I think Netflix have done a terrific job so far. Galadriel as the main character is fine with me.


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15 Sep 2022, 10:13 pm

I'm not bothered by the fact that that this spinoff has a female lead or black characters. It's not much different from my favorite game franchise The Elder Scrolls which had a black race known as the Redguards (based off the real life Moores), yup Europe had black people in their country even during the dark ages though i know most people don't know that. Also in TES games I could always play a female character using whichever race of my choice, which i took full advantage of.

However one thing that DOES bother me is the fact that Amazon has prevented customers from giving honest reviews of this show and every news article I read basically claims that if you don't like this show for any reason then you must be a racist...

...I'm starting to feel like I'm living under the CCP censorship of everything in regards to entertainment. :|


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15 Sep 2022, 10:29 pm

DeathFlowerKing wrote:
However one thing that DOES bother me is the fact that Amazon has prevented customers from giving honest reviews of this show and every news article I read basically claims that if you don't like this show for any reason then you must be a racist...

Fans need to be a little more broad minded and critical in their thought process. When casting for the first LOTR started in the late 1990s the biggest television dramas in the US at the time
The Practice
Law and Order
Everybody Loves Raymond
Dharma and Greg
Mad about You
The west Wing
Drew Carey Show

Every single program and movie in the late 1990s had a 99% cast made up of white Americans. No blacks, hispanics or Asians, So when casting happened for LOTR nobody cared about an all-white cast.

In 2022 even actors from that era experience cringe at the portrayal of such a homogenous society. They were acutely aware of the type of society being portrayed and to be honest not much has changed on television because the marketplace still wants all-white teen vampires, mean girls or doctors surgeries/ER. The change has been marginal at best.

For the fantasy genre there's no longer any excuse. The tantrums thrown by racist fans started with Hunger games but continued with Star Wars, Harry Potter and now LOTR. Many of these films are based on books. I mean Tolkien wrote LOTR in the 1940s. If people want to relive the world he painted without adulteration then surely they are always welcome to return to his books.


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15 Sep 2022, 10:41 pm

So now people should literally be forced to watch and like a show they might simply not like just to prove they're not racist?

Maybe we should hire secret police while we're at it who are tasked with rounding these people up and sending them to rededication camps?

Because apparently nobody likes to have freedom of speech anymore. Nobody wants a true democracy in this country either.


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15 Sep 2022, 10:50 pm

I wonder how many people in this thread have read the Akallabêth or have any understanding of J.R.R. Tolkien's worldview.


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16 Sep 2022, 1:02 am

DeathFlowerKing wrote:
So now people should literally be forced to watch and like a show they might simply not like just to prove they're not racist?.

Nobody is forcing anyone to watch either the new movies or netflix fantasy dramas. I take a leaf out Star Wars Theory (STW is a Canadian podcaster who has the largest Star wars fan site) who says that there is no point in telling multimillion dollar corporations how to do things because they follow the $$ not fan fantasies of sticking with canonical narratives.

STW is putting his money where his mouth is and using his 3.5 millions followers donations to create fan films. Fans are welcome to create their own fiction if they aren't happy with Hollywood or Disney.


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16 Sep 2022, 1:02 am

Feyokien wrote:
I wonder how many people in this thread have read the Akallabêth or have any understanding of J.R.R. Tolkien's worldview.

Which is why the film versions all say "based on"


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16 Sep 2022, 8:08 am

cyberdad wrote:
Feyokien wrote:
I wonder how many people in this thread have read the Akallabêth or have any understanding of J.R.R. Tolkien's worldview.

Which is why the film versions all say "based on"

Tolkien would not appreciate all the people twisting themselves in knots about the racial purity of the actors of the show. It's been disgusting to watch.

I doubt most people are even aware of the source material so how can they tell they dislike the show or actually Tolkien's source material. Lol

Show has been alright so far. Galadriel is a little too wooden and time compression has been whacky. Some liberties with the lore, but the Jackson Trilogy took plenty of those as well. It's miles ahead of those sh***y Hobbit movies already. Also the show is only 4 episodes into a 5 series show.


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16 Sep 2022, 8:13 am

Feyokien wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
Feyokien wrote:
I wonder how many people in this thread have read the Akallabêth or have any understanding of J.R.R. Tolkien's worldview.

Which is why the film versions all say "based on"

Tolkien would not appreciate all the people twisting themselves in knots about the racial purity of the actors of the show. It's been disgusting to watch.

I doubt most people are even aware of the source material so how can they tell they dislike the show or actually Tolkien's source material. Lol

Show has been alright so far. Galadriel is a little too wooden and time compression has been whacky. Some liberties with the lore, but the Jackson Trilogy took plenty of those as well. It's miles ahead of those sh***y Hobbit movies already. Also the show is only 4 episodes into a 5 series show.

You're back I see.

It appears lord of the wrongs was a story based in mainland Europe. That's my opinion of it so I think at the time period it took place in, it makes sense it's mostly white people.

The story however is pretty outlandish *intentionally so obviously* so the actual race of characters doesn't carry much weight but still needs to make sense setting and time period wise.


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16 Sep 2022, 9:25 am

I've seen better storylines and characterizations on the MMORPG Lord of the Rings Online (which also features racial diversity) than the Rings of Power does.


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16 Sep 2022, 10:02 am

Nades wrote:

You're back I see.

No, just here to comment on this. This website has a negative impact on my mental health.