Feyokien wrote:
Aspiegaming wrote:
I don't understand how anyone can enjoy this. Amazon and actors in this show have shown that they hate the LoTR fan community.
If the shadow has taken hold over the fan community, then good riddance.
Let me put it this way. Many fans have stated they're not gonna watch this. Amazon and the actors attacked these fans by calling them racist and misogynist. Fan backlash has been strong because once again Hollywood likes to label people who don't like their work.
Do I think the Peter Jackson trilogy was better? Yeah.
Does that mean I deserve to be labeled a racist or sexist by Amazon? No.
I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.
If my darkness or eccentricity offends you, I don't really care.
I will not apologize for being me.
There is no such thing as perfect. We are beautiful as we are. With all our imperfections, we can do anything.