The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
If the shadow has taken hold over the fan community, then good riddance.
Let me put it this way. Many fans have stated they're not gonna watch this. Amazon and the actors attacked these fans by calling them racist and misogynist. Fan backlash has been strong because once again Hollywood likes to label people who don't like their work.
Do I think the Peter Jackson trilogy was better? Yeah.
Does that mean I deserve to be labeled a racist or sexist by Amazon? No.
It's kind of crazy to say something is better when one of the items of comparison is only 10% complete.
The ad campaign for the show was very cringe along with most of the trailers, but that actual show has been quite different.
But Galadriel at 3000 years old might less worldly/mature than Galdriel at 4500 years old. Human years don't apply to elves right?
There is some element of Yoda here in SW. Yoda was 900 years old during the time of the galactic empire. Baby Yoda was actually 50 years old at the time of the Mandalorian. While a 50 year old human might be considered middle aged/old, baby yoda was still....a baby.
But Galadriel at 3000 years old might less worldly/mature than Galdriel at 4500 years old. Human years don't apply to elves right?
There is some element of Yoda here in SW. Yoda was 900 years old during the time of the galactic empire. Baby Yoda was actually 50 years old at the time of the Mandalorian. While a 50 year old human might be considered middle aged/old, baby yoda was still....a baby.
The Elven Lifecycle as told in The Nature of Middle Earth Manuscripts
Well, based on canonical literature that certainly puts Galdriel as quite old/mature at the time of ROP. But no doubt this where the writers are taking some licence with "loosley basing" some aspects of the current ROP story with canon and creating some divergence (perhaps?) in the life cycle of elves.
This is a little like Netflix creating an alternate fantasy universe where the rules/canon no longer apply. I think this also happened to Disney's SW sequel trilogy which completely broke with George Lucas canon by having Palpatine survive and come back. I personally thought that was lazy on the part of the Disney writers but it served as a plot device in the story of Rey being Palpatine's grandaughter which closed the loop on the trilogy story and the Skywalker lineage coming to an end.
You can put politics into stories, that itself is not a crime or necessarily bad, but it can't come cost of everything else. The biggest problem with woke writing/writers today is that they are utterly focussed on woke and their political agenda, everything else is secondary. If you are focussed on woke the way these morons are everything just becomes a godawful, lazy-at-best and blatant political allegory for whatever was going on last week. What is never made is a timeless story that men of centuries to come can admire. ... power-ep4/
Quick cut and we are in the forum (I guess). Anyway, the smelting guild member (whose ass Not-Sauron kicked) is giving an incendiary speech about illegal elf immigrants sucking up their jobs and I’m not kidding in the slightest. It’s a “Dey tuuk r’ jubs” thing. The crowd is getting pretty worked up about these wet ears who work harder, never sleep, never need retirement benefits because they are immortal, and will soon storm the borders… Wait a minute. What borders? Númenor is an island and there is exactly one elf on it, and she would very much like to leave.
And just a reminder. What made the Men of Númenor come to resent the Elves was their immortality, (not their willingness to do the jobs Númenoreans wouldn’t). They wanted to be immortal themselves. The Men of Númenor had pretty long life spans too, one hundred years old was just hitting middle-aged maturity so far as the *Númenoreans were concerned. Which made this desire a bit petty.
Chancellor (gack) Ar-Pharazôn arrives and steals the guild master’s thunder by giving a populist speech that allays the crowd’s fears and gets them chanting his name in the media-approved Alt Right fashion.
Well, now we know the form of the destructor. In the legendarium, he was known as Ar-Pharazôn the Golden. He seized the throne by forcing his first cousin Míriel into a marriage with him against her will. In Tolkien’s world, she was a tragic figure rather than an annoying one. Ar-Pharazôn himself led a war against Sauron. Scattered his army of Orcs and took Sauron back to Númenor in chains. He was the kind of guy you would have hired Yul Brynner to play (Hat tip).
Even though, his later actions directly lead to the destruction of their beloved and beautiful homeland, Elendil’s surviving Númenorians erected a giant pillar as a monument to Ar-Pharazôn in Minas Arnor to honor his great victory over Sauron. When Sauron’s forces captured Minas Arnor the first thing he did, was to have the pillar destroyed.
Ar-Pharazôn was an Adonis. An Alpha’s Alpha who was ultimately brought to ruin by his pride and his own iron will.
In this version he’s Trump.
What were you expecting? Something good and/or original? These guys were trained by JJ Abrams.

Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!
Critics are finally starting to notice how terrible the writing is.
I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.
If my darkness or eccentricity offends you, I don't really care.
I will not apologize for being me.
There is no such thing as perfect. We are beautiful as we are. With all our imperfections, we can do anything.
Ar-Pharazôn was an Adonis. An Alpha’s Alpha who was ultimately brought to ruin by his pride and his own iron will.
In this version he’s Trump.
What were you expecting? Something good and/or original? These guys were trained by JJ Abrams. [/i]
That bit did strike me as strange? the crowd were worked about elves taking jobs, but then Galadriel is like the first elf to arrive at the island in a generation?
Critics also said the same of JK Rowling. It quite clearly did not impact her popularity nor the multi-billion dollar franchise it spawned.
JK Rowling is still alive and still writing. She doesn't care if her work becomes a sell out anymore.
JRR Tolkien is not. People are writing their own input for him. He and his deceased kin would despise how his franchise is selling out.
I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.
If my darkness or eccentricity offends you, I don't really care.
I will not apologize for being me.
There is no such thing as perfect. We are beautiful as we are. With all our imperfections, we can do anything.
It's a perfect example what you get with WOKE TVTM.
There is only one point to that scene the series as a whole - set up or run a series of morality plays for the various pillars of leftism (in this particular case, immigration). That's all that matters in totality and that's where they start, only then do they attempt to bend and weld the utterly superfluous and completely interchangeable story/world elements around it, paying no heed to context, consistency or even common sense in storytelling. The end result is totally moronic plot lines peppered with totally moronic plot holes like that one.
Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell! ... power-ep4/
Quick cut and we are in the forum (I guess). Anyway, the smelting guild member (whose ass Not-Sauron kicked) is giving an incendiary speech about illegal elf immigrants sucking up their jobs and I’m not kidding in the slightest. It’s a “Dey tuuk r’ jubs” thing. The crowd is getting pretty worked up about these wet ears who work harder, never sleep, never need retirement benefits because they are immortal, and will soon storm the borders… Wait a minute. What borders? Númenor is an island and there is exactly one elf on it, and she would very much like to leave.
And just a reminder. What made the Men of Númenor come to resent the Elves was their immortality, (not their willingness to do the jobs Númenoreans wouldn’t). They wanted to be immortal themselves. The Men of Númenor had pretty long life spans too, one hundred years old was just hitting middle-aged maturity so far as the *Númenoreans were concerned. Which made this desire a bit petty.
Chancellor (gack) Ar-Pharazôn arrives and steals the guild master’s thunder by giving a populist speech that allays the crowd’s fears and gets them chanting his name in the media-approved Alt Right fashion.
Well, now we know the form of the destructor. In the legendarium, he was known as Ar-Pharazôn the Golden. He seized the throne by forcing his first cousin Míriel into a marriage with him against her will. In Tolkien’s world, she was a tragic figure rather than an annoying one. Ar-Pharazôn himself led a war against Sauron. Scattered his army of Orcs and took Sauron back to Númenor in chains. He was the kind of guy you would have hired Yul Brynner to play (Hat tip).
Even though, his later actions directly lead to the destruction of their beloved and beautiful homeland, Elendil’s surviving Númenorians erected a giant pillar as a monument to Ar-Pharazôn in Minas Arnor to honor his great victory over Sauron. When Sauron’s forces captured Minas Arnor the first thing he did, was to have the pillar destroyed.
Ar-Pharazôn was an Adonis. An Alpha’s Alpha who was ultimately brought to ruin by his pride and his own iron will.
In this version he’s Trump.
What were you expecting? Something good and/or original? These guys were trained by JJ Abrams.

Mikah, read the Akallabêth. Also Míriel in the show is as much Tar-Míriel as she is Tar-Telperiën, the ruling queen of Numenor whose armies destroyed Sauron's in the Battle of the Gwathló and saved Lindon after the razing of Eregion.
Ar-Pharazôn was an Adonis. An Alpha’s Alpha who was ultimately brought to ruin by his pride and his own iron will.
In this version he’s Trump.
What were you expecting? Something good and/or original? These guys were trained by JJ Abrams. [/i]
That bit did strike me as strange? the crowd were worked about elves taking jobs, but then Galadriel is like the first elf to arrive at the island in a generation?
The larger part of the Numenorean's (The Kings Men) by this period of their history have fallen deep under the shadow (the end of the second age). Numenor was a brutal maritime empire engaged in dominating and enslaving the men middle earth for glory and enrichment their isle. They are prideful, greedy, and ever searching for a way to forsake the doom of men and claim the immortality of the firstborn. In laymans terms the Kings Men had a Numenor First like policy in governance.
Well a bit awkward, that mentality in the show isn't out of place. The men of Numenor hated and envied the elves. Elves openly returning to the island would have evoked hostility, jealousy, and paranoia. They would be seen as spies of the Valar.
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