Modern Horror Movies are disgusting!! !!

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06 Apr 2013, 5:07 pm

(I know I'll get alot of hate for this, but I feel it must be said...)

I'm absulutly disgusted by modern horror movies!! ! I just saw a commercial on youtube for "The Purge" and it's just sickening!! ! I just wanted to watch a funny video about video games, but that commercial ruined it for me!! ! And what's the deal with this new tv movie about cannabalism? just the though of someone being killed, mutilated, and served to some guy's kids for dinner... thats extremely sickening!! !
I can't begin to imagine how sick and twisted a man's mind must be to watch that stuff, let alone produce it!! !
And if your excuse is that you like the "thrill" of horror films, then something is seriously out of place in your head.
Scareing your self just isn't smart, not in the slligtest bit, it's bad for your health. both mentally and physically... And if all those awful things don't scare you, then you must have no compassion for your fellow human beings if you are able to watch them be mutilated by some freak with chainsaw and a paper bag on his head, or be dragged across a blood covered floor to their death...
it's extremely disturbing that people enjoy such horrifying things. it really upsets me when I see a live human being get hurt, espaicialy in such a mad and psychotic fashion...
all the blood on the screen and mutilated body parts, it's disgusting...

(And I know I'll get even more hate for this, but agian I feel it must be said...)

at least the "horror" themed video games are clearly fake, those aren't really so bad becuase the blood and gore looks so cartoon like and computer animated.
but with movies it looks so real, so disgusting, so evil. I mean, most "scary type" video games don't bother me beucase it just looks so fake and cartoon like, and there not even desgined to scare you, but I draw the line at Silent Hill and Resident Evil, those particual games are too much horror for any decent person to handle....


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06 Apr 2013, 6:08 pm

I can't even handle the "mild" horror films. It's not the jumps cares that get me, I just hate things being mutilated. (For example, the finger being poked through with a nail in The Ring. :pale:)

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06 Apr 2013, 6:28 pm

Well, there are plenty of theatrical revenge tragedies from centuries ago that are every bit as lurid and grisly as today's modern horror films.

I am more offended by series like Law & Order - SVU, which is little more than an exploitative celebration of sexual violence hat tries to put on a respectable face. I deal with those series by simply not watching them.


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06 Apr 2013, 6:31 pm

I think it's a combination of going for shock value and sheer laziness on the part of modern writers and film makers. I find the older films,even those in black and white,were scarier as they put the emphasis on atmosphere and more subtle ways of conveying horror.

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06 Apr 2013, 6:57 pm

I think they are just boring and uninteresting and stupid.


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06 Apr 2013, 7:18 pm

I haven't seen Hannibal but I'm kind of intrigued by it. I've seen most of the movies and read Red Dragon, The Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal. (I have note read Hannibal Rising)

Hannibal in a strange way almost makes me think of Dracula. He's a high society character but with a dark side lurking beneath. So what is needed is a kind of Van Helsing to disect the workings of this monster to discover him and stop him.

With that, I will say I've found movies like Hostel unnappealing. They seem like they have nothing to offer besides sensless torture and killing.


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06 Apr 2013, 7:23 pm

It's interesting, this whole concept of horror, mutilations and torture. It's so far from new. Can you imagine if they made films about their practices during the Spanish Inquisition, the Roman punishment of Christians or Genghis Khan's Mongolian reign of terror as they were happening? Those movies would be just as gruesome as those made today, probably even more so. The three day torture and eventual dismemberment of Guy Fawkes in 1606 make some of these modern horror films look like a Disney feature.

On March 7, 233 AD, 22 year old Christian martyr Perpetua and her four companions were led to the arena where the crowd demanded they be scourged. Then a boar, a bear and a leopard were loosened upon the men while the women were attacked by a wild bull. Wounded, Perpetua was then put to the sword. If you put this scene on film today people would hurl in the audience.


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06 Apr 2013, 7:38 pm

redrobin62 wrote:
It's interesting, this whole concept of horror, mutilations and torture. It's so far from new. Can you imagine if they made films about their practices during the Spanish Inquisition, the Roman punishment of Christians or Genghis Khan's Mongolian reign of terror as they were happening? Those movies would be just as gruesome as those made today, probably even more so. The three day torture and eventual dismemberment of Guy Fawkes in 1606 make some of these modern horror films look like a Disney feature.

On March 7, 233 AD, 22 year old Christian martyr Perpetua and her four companions were led to the arena where the crowd demanded they be scourged. Then a boar, a bear and a leopard were loosened upon the men while the women were attacked by a wild bull. Wounded, Perpetua was then put to the sword. If you put this scene on film today people would hurl in the audience.

It's not the blood and guts that I don't like. It is the sheer idiocy of their plot lines. Make it something realistic and I might like it.


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06 Apr 2013, 7:51 pm

@eric76 - I have to agree with you 100%. Some of the films I've seen have promising beginnings then fall to s**t because the direction is poor, the dialog sucks, the screenwriting blows chunks and the special effects are dreadful.


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06 Apr 2013, 9:30 pm

I haven't seen Hannibal but I'm kind of intrigued by it. I've seen most of the movies and read Red Dragon, The Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal. (I have note read Hannibal Rising)

Hannibal in a strange way almost makes me think of Dracula. He's a high society character but with a dark side lurking beneath. So what is needed is a kind of Van Helsing to disect the workings of this monster to discover him and stop him.

I think I read somewhere that Thomas Harris did consider Lecter to be a lot like Dracula.


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06 Apr 2013, 10:00 pm

I'm 40 and still can't watch horror movies. Well, the bother me less than when I was younger, but they still tend to get under my skin and creep me out for days afterwards. I'm about to re-watch Prometheus on TV and there's one scene that I'll be skipping (the one where the giant squid-thing forces it's way down the blue guy's thoat). GAkk.


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07 Apr 2013, 1:24 am

I love horror movies, and I can say with all certainty, that there is good horror and bad horror. The horror flicks that I consider bad are those virtually plot-less, high body count 1980's slasher flicks, such as the Friday The 13th franchise, and other films much less well remembered. I don't mind bloody, gory, twisted material, as long as there's a good story to go along with it. A good example would be the original Saw, though admittedly, they've destroyed the impact of the original with the sequels. The same could be said about the original A Nightmare On Elm Street.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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07 Apr 2013, 10:03 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
I love horror movies, and I can say with all certainty, that there is good horror and bad horror. The horror flicks that I consider bad are those virtually plot-less, high body count 1980's slasher flicks, such as the Friday The 13th franchise, and other films much less well remembered. I don't mind bloody, gory, twisted material, as long as there's a good story to go along with it. A good example would be the original Saw, though admittedly, they've destroyed the impact of the original with the sequels. The same could be said about the original A Nightmare On Elm Street.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

I agree, im a massive horror film fan! Especially those more on the thriller than the gruesome. And the original saw is one of my favourites, the ending is just brilliant! I still enjoy the sequels, mainly for the plot and i often fast forward over traps. But yeah it could have been so amazing, i love watching the ending of saw 7 but the actual film is really meh.
But there has not been an amazing horror film in a long time, i dont think i have even seen a good one cinematically wise since saw. I find with 1980's slashers that i really enjoy the originals.... Then the sequals kill it. Especially in cases such as halloween. Modern horror films rely on jump scares (which are not scary just loud and noisy,) and gore. I want to see another film like silence of the lambs- with a likeable and intelligent female character.


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07 Apr 2013, 10:49 am

Whatever, dude.

If you don't like them, don't watch them.

I can't even begin to comprehend how a person can be "offended" by a bunch of fake images on a screen, or how someone can get "scared" by a fictitious story. I'm a massive horror geek, and I watch all kinds of horror movies, including gory "modern" ones, and, no, I'm not a "sick, twisted person." :roll:

Try not to mindlessly bash people for liking things you obviously don't understand, okay?

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07 Apr 2013, 10:58 am

XFilesGeek wrote:
Whatever, dude. If you don't like them, don't watch them...


I don't like the current "Bloodier-than-thou" trend of horror movies, so I don't watch them. They're too much like porn - weak plots interwoven with sex and/or violence, and with little or no meaningful dialogue.

I prefer the more suspenseful "horror" genre of the 40s, 50s, and early 60s (before "Night of the Living Dead"); where you never saw the body, but only the horrified and sickened looks on the actors' faces when they saw the body. They rest was left to your imagination, instead of the director's.


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07 Apr 2013, 11:15 am

XFilesGeek wrote:
Whatever, dude.

If you don't like them, don't watch them.

I can't even begin to comprehend how a person can be "offended" by a bunch of fake images on a screen, or how someone can get "scared" by a fictitious story. I'm a massive horror geek, and I watch all kinds of horror movies, including gory "modern" ones, and, no, I'm not a "sick, twisted person." :roll:

Try not to mindlessly bash people for liking things you obviously don't understand, okay?

I'm not "mindlessly bashing people" and I most certainly understand one thing... anyone who can watch the sick disgusting things in those movies. and not be disgusted, or offended, clearly has something seriosuly messed up in their head.
And I have been forced to watch horror films when I was a kid, my father forced me to watch them, do you even understand what that does to a man? back when he was just a little kid? It's not a pleasent thing let me tell you that...