Kraichgauer wrote:
I love horror movies, and I can say with all certainty, that there is good horror and bad horror. The horror flicks that I consider bad are those virtually plot-less, high body count 1980's slasher flicks, such as the Friday The 13th franchise, and other films much less well remembered. I don't mind bloody, gory, twisted material, as long as there's a good story to go along with it. A good example would be the original Saw, though admittedly, they've destroyed the impact of the original with the sequels. The same could be said about the original A Nightmare On Elm Street.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
I agree, im a massive horror film fan! Especially those more on the thriller than the gruesome. And the original saw is one of my favourites, the ending is just brilliant! I still enjoy the sequels, mainly for the plot and i often fast forward over traps. But yeah it could have been so amazing, i love watching the ending of saw 7 but the actual film is really meh.
But there has not been an amazing horror film in a long time, i dont think i have even seen a good one cinematically wise since saw. I find with 1980's slashers that i really enjoy the originals.... Then the sequals kill it. Especially in cases such as halloween. Modern horror films rely on jump scares (which are not scary just loud and noisy,) and gore. I want to see another film like silence of the lambs- with a likeable and intelligent female character.