This whole controversy shows the hypocrisy of people who complain about cancel culture, I don't even understand why the little known about the movie so strongly put into action for conservative cancel culture. It is kind of hilarious that before knowing much more than a poster that conservatives don't only want to cancel a movie, they want to cancel Netflix. A full display of the hypocrisy is delicious.
At the same time I also get behind not letting children being sexualised to sell a movie, that is gross, and if that is what it is about, then fair is fair. For me personally, I probably won't watch it until I get some confirmation that it is not problematic, but I am not canceling anything on one bad poster. If the topic is about sexuality and children as young as 11, I don't think that the subject is untouchable, there might even be a message that is in favour of not having children twerk in public.
I don't know if it is representative, but I just read a Guardian article reviewing the movie, which said that it is flawed, but not at all worthy of the controversy. Apparently the the twerking dance happens, but it is purposefully made as uncomfortable within the movie and comes out on the side against 11 year old's doing such things. The review made a connection to Mean Girls, which brings to mind a scene from the movie where the teenage characters do a "sexual dance as sexy Santa's, which I am pretty sure the movie was not condoning either, since the Plastics were not exactly meant to be likable and appropriate. Apparently the titular Cuties are actually a bully group that the main character joins to act out, the sort of thing that they are not being glamourised.
So while I think that both sides of the political aisle would be against a movie that sexualises children as young as 11, I think that the real reaction that is coming from conservatives is along the same lines as those clutch their pearls over the recent song; WAP. I am looking at Ben Shapiro. It isn't just that there is possible sexualisation of children, it is that it is women/girls controlling their own sexuality. Certain people get really bent out of shape when they are not just being objects, and themselves criticise the sexuality as them being treated as objects from being sexual, how conservatives don't understand sexual liberty of feminism.
The review that I read I think talks about a frustration from the girls feeling a lack of agency in their lives, and I think are trying to act sexual to have that control, I think that there was something written about a double standard put to girls. I do think that there is an interesting subject there, where girls are expected to act proper and comfortably for their parents and boys, while also having an inherent sexuality attached where they are expected to eventually become mothers and in some cultures be treated as objects to their future spouses. While also that sexualisation of 11 year old's is probably still wrong. Where does that maybe fit along the lines culture that slut shames girls/women for dressing too revealing?
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall