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09 Feb 2008, 2:11 am

Your favourite??

"We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune."

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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09 Feb 2008, 5:00 am

I like it when Picard lived a lifetime in five minutes when that probe shot him with the information transmission beam thing that contained some culture's history.

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09 Feb 2008, 5:03 am

Star Trek: "the trouble with tribbles", cracks me up every time(plus the fact they are the mortal enemy of the Klingons just cracks me up) and seeing Bone's face when he had to put spocks brain back in spocks head in "Spock's Brain"

TNG: near enough all the moments that featured Q, Data Playing at Homes lol

DS9: The whole 7th season mainly cause it was the only season of DS9 that was not dull

Voyager: seeing the borg getting totally trashed in endgame part 2

fave movie moment: First Contact: Picard saying to Lilly how badly he wants revenge against the Borg

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09 Feb 2008, 8:34 am

Storage compartments?! Storage compartments?!

"The cordial quality of pear or plum
Rises as gladly in the single tree
As in the whole orchards resonant with bees."
- Emerson

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09 Feb 2008, 10:53 am

I could post many quotes I like but I'm feeling to lazy. My favourite episode of all time is from TNG "Who watches the watchers?"

Q: "Humans are such commonplace little creatures."
--"Deja Q"


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09 Feb 2008, 11:45 am

An episode involving Q, but moments not directly relating to him - the episode in which Picard was cast as Robin Hood, and other crew members as his Merry Men, including Worf as Will Scarlet, and Data as Alan a Dale.

WORF: Sir, I must protest. I am not a merry man!

(DATA is attempting to play his lute - something apparently not in his programming. He picks out an annoying, tuneless set of notes. Finally, WORF stands, walks to DATA)

WORF: [i](gesturing to lute)
May I?

(DATA nods, hands him the lute. WORF grips it firmly by the neck, and smashes it against a tree.)

WORF: Sorry.

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09 Feb 2008, 12:42 pm

"Tain, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, I just want you to know, you may not have been much of a father, but I really wish you were alive right now. That way, you could be in here, instead of me."


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09 Feb 2008, 1:48 pm

The tribles are great indeed, they are so terribly fluffy and not startrek.

I also like the voyager episode with the macro viruses, for some reason buzzing was making me nervous for some days :-)

Most of the appaerances of Q are good.

Oh, and the episode of Voyager where Tuvok strands on a planet with a couple of 'children' that were going to be eaten by a monster. The end was quite unexpected.


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09 Feb 2008, 8:43 pm

DeaconBlues wrote:

(DATA is attempting to play his lute - something apparently not in his programming. He picks out an annoying, tuneless set of notes. Finally, WORF stands, walks to DATA)

WORF: [i](gesturing to lute)
May I?

(DATA nods, hands him the lute. WORF grips it firmly by the neck, and smashes it against a tree.)

WORF: Sorry.

It was Geordi playing a mandolin and Worf didn't ask for it. He just took it.


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09 Feb 2008, 11:28 pm

"Remember Me" one of my favorite episodes is when Crusher gets trapped in Wesley's time bubble, I love the time traveller too!! The funny quote from that would have to be when she's asking Piccard, how he can think its just been the two of them all this on the ship... I'll find it later. Also theres zillions of Data moments who could choose?!

I just got the whole set of TNG on DVD, not like i need it, i've seen them all a few times


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10 Feb 2008, 1:13 am

One of my favorite episodes of the original series is the one called That Which Survives. Of course, all my favorite quotes come from Spock. Here are a few of my favorites.

“990.7 light-years, to be exact, Lieutenant.”

“11.337 hours, Lieutenant. I wish you would be more precise.”

“Please, Mr. Scott, restrain your leaps of illogic.”

“The occipital area of my head seems to have impacted with the arm of the chair.”

"Let the dream begin...let your darker side give the power of the music that I write...the power of the Music of the Night." --Michael Crawford

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10 Feb 2008, 8:36 pm

I like the moment in "The Most Toys" right before Fajo enters the room where Data is being held captive. Data is studying the Mona Lisa and attempting (rather unsuccessfully) to emulate her smile.

I also like that part in the episode about the people trying to sell rights to the stable wormhole, when Data and Geordi are about to enter the wormhole to test it out. Geordi says something about not liking the idea of being stuck in there forever, and Data says "There is a bright side, Geordi. You will have me to talk to."

And the end of the episode introducing Barclay, where he says "Computer, erase all programs under Barclay .......................Except program number 9." (And the rest of that episode :D )

And the end of "Yesterday's Enterprise": "Geordi....tell me about...Tasha Yar."

And, of course:

PICARD: Didn't any of you play with ships in bottles when you were boys?
WORF: I did not play with toys!
DATA: I was never a boy.

And basically every other moment in TNG. :D

"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind..."


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10 Feb 2008, 8:41 pm

My favorite is Time's Arrow, which was split into two episodes. Nothin' beats those.

Star Trek and history, my two favorite things *big geeky fake smile*


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13 Feb 2008, 5:59 am

Something mentioned above reminded me of another one.

Garak: "All of your enemies are dead."
Tain: "Good. A man should never allow his enemies to outlive him."
In Profit & Lace

Quark, still hormonal, says to Odo, "Can you give me a... hug?"
And one more...

Bashir: "Did you hear? Keiko's having another baby."
Worf: "NOW?"
Could say more, but will try a little self-restraint.

....But gotta say my #1 favourite moment is when Miles says to Julian: "That's the problem. She [Keiko] always said I liked you better than her."
....And Julian says: "That's ridiculous." and then, "Well, maybe you do. A bit more."
And the conversation that follows. :roll: :lol: PRICELESS.

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18 Feb 2008, 2:16 am

My favorite Star Trek moment AND quotes also came from the OS episode "Trouble with Tribbles"; it had to do with the comments that a Klingon said about the Enterprise that sent Mr. Scott in a fury :p Quoting the scene:

Klingon: But seriously, we love the Enterprise, we really do. This wreck is practically built like a garbage scow. Half the crew knows it, that's why they're learning to speak Klingonese! *laughs*

Chekov: Mr. Scott!

Scotty: (to the Klingon, trying VERY HARD to stay calm) Excuse me laddie...don't ye think ye should...rephrase that?

Klingon: You're right, I should. I didn't mean to say the Enterprise should be *hauling* garbage. I meant that it should be HAULED AWAY *AS* GARBAGE!

...needless to say, chaos ensued :lol:


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22 Feb 2008, 7:19 am

I forget which part of which original rpisode but kirks away and spocks in charge, he asks Scotty to do something in the engine room.
Scotty: "I get you warp if I have to sit on the engines and ride them>"
Spock calls him back to the chair" That would neither be productive nor dignified."

And of course the whole do you like Italian food thing in IV and when Kirks selling his glasses the smile McKoy gives. and in V when mcKoy says "God I liked him better BEFORE he died." :lol: