Some 40k fan fiction(please note this based off my knowledge of the in-game lore):
The grizzled commissar Lupis Galis and his group of 35 Imperial guardsman walked in between the burning pile of dead ork boyz, grotz, and the such. The ground was already covered with blood, organs, and the usual visceral matter left behind after a battle. The mud seemed to be deep, and the dead bramble thick. Ruins of buildings were close, as also was the barbed wire and random, dropped weapon. The air smelled awful, and already five of the soldiers had vomited.
A group of ten armored, 8 foot tall humanoids suddenly was spotted in the distance, and a thunderous shot hurtled towards them. A guardsman was ripped viciously into bloody chunks. The spike-covered, horned power armor stood out purple, and the banner it had on its back only meant one thing:
Chaos Marines of Slashneesh.
Lupis quickly ran behind cover and radioed the close by base. “...Were under attack by a traitor group!...Yes, I’m serious...get a Baneblade here, now!”
Galis then took out his bolt pistol and chainsword. If the tank didn’t get here soon enough, he would have to make his last stand here. Then he told his men,”alright, you five, use a frag grenade as a distraction while the rest of us get high ground.” Galis and the twenty-nine soldiers made their way upon the top of a ruined building, and then waited for the distraction. It diverted the attention of some of the Chaos marines, enough so that the troops with high ground could throw a couple frag grenades in the middle of their ranks and then bring down lasgun and bolt pistol fire upon them. They took out four of them with the frag grenade, and then another with the weaponry. The remaining half routed.
While the rest of the guardsman felt notably more cheery, Galis still didn’t feel good. Chaos Space Marines didn’t just run away from a conflict when a few of them died. Daemons must be coming.
The commissar said to the rest of his group, “calm down. More are coming. those were probably just scouts.” Sure enough, a portal to the warp appeared too close for comfort, and fifty daemonettes came running out.
Suddenly, eleven large artillery blast collided with them, leaving only 22 alive.
The Baneblade had arrived.
Galis, who realised his bolt pistol had run out of ammunition, took one of his men’s lasguns. It was going to be a fight. The Chaos marines were coming back, and some more arrived.
The Baneblade fired again at the daemonettes, destroying six more and a few Chaos Marines. Galis then threw a grenade at them. A Chaos Marine grabbed it and threw it back.
Commissar Galis jumped out into the middle of the enemy. He was quickly ripped to shreds, guts and other body parts covering the ground.
Imperial Guard troops arrived soon, as did a group of Black Templars. The daemons and traitors all died, and the planet was left before it was subject to Exterminatus.
Respond please, I love comments.