Richard Linkletter's "Everybody Wants Some!!"
About a college baseball team and casual sex culture in the era after the sexual revolution but just before Aids. A sequel to "Boyhood" and "Dazed and Confused".
"Dazed and Confused" set on the last day of high school in 1976 by far most closely resembles the people, the language, the clothing, the attitudes, and music of my high school years (1975 graduate) I have seen. Linkletter as a freshman in '76 did not go on "That 70's Show" stereotypes, he was there.
I was looking forward to this movie another semi autobiography set on the weekend before the first day of college in 1980. I am sure it authentically resembled his experiences but the problem for me was it was a smaller representation because was it was centered around the baseball team and a testosterone-fueled world more intense than the people in my dorms.
The movie centered around talking about girls and going to bars which will not be relatable to most here. What may be shocking to younger audiences is the way women were talked about and how the women were not offended but that was 1980 for you. An example of un relatability to me was the guys went to a country bar, a disco, and a punk club in one night. That is something most people I knew did not do. I and the people I knew were pretty tribal about music. If you liked punk you despised disco.
It is not only me. I looked at a comments section while most of the posters were Linkletter fans they did not like this movie and wondered why it received such favorable reviews.
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Last edited by ASPartOfMe on 17 Sep 2017, 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.