thewrll wrote:
New one which could be the greatest show ever sayonara zetsubou Sensei.
One could guess that from your avatar, some might find it boring but it is a great satire on society, though it always keeps a level head seeing a problem, then at the pinacle: *sound effects and different angles* Zetsuboshita, (I am in despair). One could also think that the main character Nozomu Itoshiki could be aspergers, for a range of things such as not looking at other in the eyes, fairly awkward socialising, and a couple eccentricities. Aswell as a few other characters that might have traits aswell.
If you like Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei I would also recomend other SHAFT anime like Maria Holic and Natsu no Arashi. Also a show that is curently broadcasting and is in a similar style though on more plot based, is Bakemongatari, which many have high praise for which I would recomend to people. It is kind of experimental, and don't be turned off by the first minute as it is kind of like a joke which SHAFT are known for, it is a fun watch.
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall