ttqs84 wrote:
i love that series so much because i can relate to Daria & Jane. rumor has it that it will be out on DVD next year! can't wait!
who else watched Daria? those were good times, huh?
Just joined this forum and somehow knew that if I did a search for Daria, I'd find something here.
When I was in high school, a couple of the guys started calling me Daria. I had no clue what they meant, we didn't have cable.
When I was in college, I was in a store looking for movies and ran across one of the Daria movies and remembered what they'd said... uh, the girl on the front had unstyled, long brown hair, prominent glasses and unfeminine black boots ~looking in mirror thusly~ So, I bought the film.
Immediately thereafter, I adopted this avatar <- for my online interactions (although, these days, as a professional, I tend to use a real headshot, the avatar is how most of my current friends got to know me). It became pretty clear to me why the guys had seen Daria in me. My deadpan voice, pithy commentary and lack of any social skills... not to mention the basic physical resemblance (yes, 15 years later, my primary footwear is still the black engineer's boot). Add in the outgoing and fashion-conscious blonde sister and I was there!
My husband bought me the Daria box set when it came out, since he knew I'd been wanting to see the rest of the series. ~laughs~ He didn't see why I was so entranced with watching it... but, it was just eerily similar to so many of my own situations back in school.
That said, I always thought I'd hated school, but, turns out that I love life at the University level in ways that I never did when attending dayschool with people my own age.