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13 Jan 2010, 5:15 pm

Forrest Gump 2

Now in middle-age, Forrest Gump and his son,
Forrest JR, have made out a life for themselves
in their much-beloved state of Alabama.

SR, now a multi-billionaire well-decorated
war hero, is shocked when JR brigs home
a girlfriend who bears an uncanny resemblance
to SR's much-loved Jenny, who he still can't get over.

More of a romantic drama, the relationship
between the Gumps becomes strained
when JR goes to fight in the "War on Terror"
which SR is against.

Historic events from 1985 to now in reverse order
are featured in the sequel. The sequel
takes a tone similar to the movie
"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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13 Jan 2010, 6:53 pm

I can "show" my emotions just as well as any human (and I don't believe in that Aspies are robots sh**), but without meaning to be sexist as a dude movies usually don't get me choked up. But Gran Torino hit me pretty hard, I was having a hard time not to cry there in the theater at the ending. A friend of mine who is an NT and is possibly the baddest m*****f***er you'll ever meet admitted to me right there on the spot when I brought the movie up that he cried at the end. Must've been that poweful, I thought, especially after what came out of my friend's mouth. I was actually more so about to discuss the comical side of the movie.

I love WP's color scheme. Green is awesome when you're blue!

Tufted Titmouse
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28 Jan 2010, 10:09 pm



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29 Jan 2010, 2:05 pm

The Stanley Kubrick films:- "Paths of Glory," "Spartacus," "2001: A Space Odyssey," "A Clockwork Orange" & "Barry Lyndon."

They all make me cry for completely different reasons.

It's in the trees! It's coming!

Blue Jay
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30 Jan 2010, 8:43 pm

For me it would be a movie called: CJ-7.
It's done by Stephen chow (Who made:Kung Fu Hustle).
When the child's father dies in it, i couldn't stop crying. The pain that the child felt, all the tears that the child cried. I was so moved and upset!

In The Shadows i stand. Unseen, unheard!
A clever Fox i am, but the world thinks I'm absurd!

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11 Feb 2010, 8:30 pm

King kong vs Godzilla.

GODZILLA SHOULD HAVE WON GOSH DARN IT!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! :cry: Uh oh, I'm getting all teary eyed again.


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16 Feb 2010, 7:51 am

"Requiem for a Dream"
"The Lion King"

That's about it.

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16 Feb 2010, 7:56 am

The Notebook
Marley and Me
Requiem for a Dream


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16 Feb 2010, 8:40 am



A Little Princess


Music And Lyrics (where Hugh Grant sings that song for Drew Barrymore, it's so romantic)

Angus Thongs And Perfect Snogging (this is slightly weird, I guess, but it made me cry because I watched it after I left my old school and it reminded me of my friends who I really miss, and the girl actually looked a lot like one of my friends)

'El reloj, no avanza
y yo quiero ir a verte,
La clase, no acaba
y es como un semestre"


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18 Feb 2010, 12:45 am

Forrest Gump about a million times the night I watched it drunk.

I'm never gonna dance again, Aspie feet have got no rhythm.

Tufted Titmouse
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18 Feb 2010, 6:29 am

I cry at almost every sad movie. Even when I realize the movie is pathetic or corny I cry anyway. As I have severe problems with showing my emotions in the real world I show them in the cinema.

Emu Egg
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18 Feb 2010, 6:55 am

CowboyFromHell wrote:
without meaning to be sexist, as a dude movies usually don't get me choked up.

Same here... an hour just usually isn't enough time for me to become emotionally invested enough in a character, that their demise (or tragedy, or romantic fulfilment or whatever else gets people choked up) hits me hard enough to elicit such a strong response... There are always exceptions of course, such as I Am Sam, and the first My Girl movie (though that was when I was like 13 ;)) and *perhaps* one or two others that I can't think of right now, but most of my emotional experiences with media have been with TV series... I watch them only from DVD or digital copies, so no ads or weeks between or betwixt episodes to kill the mood of course. I can remember getting choked up at a couple of BtVS episodes, and most recently at one of the almost-end-of-season/show eps of The West Wing (just watched all seven seasons [157 episodes] over the past 3 months).

Is anyone else like me in that they don't react much emotionally to situations in their own lives, but have a strong empathy towards those close to you? For example, when two of my grandparents died a couple of years ago (within 3 months of each other), and dad was saying a few words at the church service for grandpa (they were his parents), up to that point I had just been a little bummed out about it but nothing major (they were in their 80s and grandpa'd survived through so much it was a miracle he made it to that - and of course cracking jokes right up till the end lol, he had a good life), but as soon as dad's voice cracked when he was talking, I had tears in my eyes, for him, because I love him and I knew he was hurting. I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make here, but I think I was going to come to this question eventually:

Do any of you find it easier to react emotionally to fictional characters than those in 'real life'? :?:


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18 Feb 2010, 10:43 pm

-The Magdalene Sisters (Just really awful)
-Up (That movie was an emotional rolelr coaster)
-The Sixth Sense (That last scene gets me)

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
Dalai Lama


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19 Feb 2010, 12:28 am

I don't even know how I didn't think of this right away: Life Is Beautiful. I watched that in class and I have no idea how I managed to hold it together there.

I'm never gonna dance again, Aspie feet have got no rhythm.


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19 Feb 2010, 12:35 am

I cry with movies and books and even songs all of the time. Strange to most people around me since I hardly ever show any emotion and I look like a linebacker. But I am very sensitive. So a list of movies that I cry on would be extremely long. I'll just list some movies that own my tear ducts but I still enjoy watching repeatedly.

- The Fountain
- Schindler's List
- Somewhere in Time
- Moon

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19 Feb 2010, 3:22 am

Big Fish really gets me crying, I actually start getting teary eyed 30 minutes into it because I know the end is getting closer.

I know Dragon Ball/Z/GT isn't a movie but there are several times in that series where I'm fighting back doesn't usually work though.

The first time I saw Atonement I cried like crazy mostly because the end caught me completely off guard.

Oh yeah, can't forget The Lord of the Rings Return of the King