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20 Jan 2010, 11:37 pm

Avarice wrote:
Sounds interesting, especially the part where Blake (and Jenna) leave. Considering that the shows title has Blake's name in it I find it odd that he would leave halfway through.

It should be interesting though. The last episode of season 2 was interesting enough just because I saw Travis get what was coming to him, although I quite liked Travis...

Blake is mentioned throughout the 3rd and 4th series (having left the Liberator with Jenna, and deciding to make his own way, during the end of the war against the Andromedan aliens), and appears in both season finales of those series, Terminal and Blake. I won't spoil exactly what happens in the last episode, but it is pretty much everywhere on the internet. Let's just say that the reunion is far from a happy one in the last episode...

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21 Jan 2010, 12:40 am

I never have gotten to see Blake's 7. We were suckers for any sci-fi show that happened to pop up when I was a kid... Dad was a nerd, seriously. He had the ensemble... greased back hair, pocket protector with pens, small tools, and a little ruler in it (and a tire gauge, what the heck), lots of polyester, black framed glasses, and a passion for dumb sci-fi (and barbarian movies, which must have been lingering from his youth when he dropped out of high school, had a hot car, and joined the Air Force).

I love MST3K but I know that has a thin connection at best with real science fiction, just to get technical about it. I love Red Dwarf but again, not the most serious sci-fi show. I've grown somewhat weary of Star Trek (can't help noticing no one mentioned it so far, hee hee) but we always watched that... until Enterprise, that is. I did like Voyager the best, I think, of those. Crew members could actually die, who knew? They even had a serial killer! Still... Star Trek. Love Doctor Who, very eccentric, very comfortable, yet totally uncomfortable...

I don't go in for really hardcore sci-fi, though, because I don't have much of a head for science (what better quality for a science fiction writer... seriously, that's what I'm working on now, time travel and the subconscious mind and what all, I must be insane). Years ago I really liked Quantum Leap. There was some science there and a lot of dubious science fiction concepts but I enjoyed it until it jumped the shark.

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21 Jan 2010, 1:13 am

#1 id have to say is doctor who. Ive never seen the old series but the new one is pretty sweet I think. But I wish Billie Piper was still on there I miss looking at her... :oops:


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21 Jan 2010, 1:14 am

Babylon 5 - Not only my favorite sci fi series, but my favorite TV show of all time. The fact that the entire series was planned out before a single minute was ever filmed really helps. With so many series, even good series, you can tell that the writers are just making it up as they go. Not with Babylon 5.

Battlestar Galactica - The first 2 seasons were simply amazing. When season 3 started, the series kind of fell victim to what I mentioned in my B5 statement. The writers just wrote it as they went along and it became obvious that they had no way how they wanted to progress and develop the series. It was still a great show but it could have been even better if it had been better planned out.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Unlike Star Trek: The Next Generation, DS9 has an overarching story line. For me, this is huge. I like how stories and characters develop and DS9 was able to do this. The background characters are actually important and contribute a lot to the show rather than just being seen in a single episode. Garak, a supporting character on Deep Space Nine is more interesting than any of the main characters on TNG. Starting with the Dominion War, DS9 just takes off.

Stargate: SG-1 - I was late getting started into this series. Picked up the DVD set of season 1 on a whim in late 2007 and got hooked instantly. Richard Dean Anderson's portrayal of Colonel Jack O'Neill comes off as one of the best "leader" characters of any show. He's funny, he's bad ass, he's a smart ass, etc. I gained even more respect for him when I found out he ad-libed a lot of his lines. It was also cool seeing a lot of cameo appearances by actors from other sci fi shows.

Honorable mention goes to Crusade (Babylon 5 spin off) and Firefly. Both shows had the potential to be amazing, but sadly, were not able to even complete their first season.

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23 Jan 2010, 9:16 pm

Perhaps not the best, but I have fond memories of these and they haven't been mentioned yet:

i. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century : I used to wander around the house like Tweeky saying "Beedee beedee beedee, what's up Buck?"

ii. Lost in Space : "Danger, Will Robinson!"

iii. Space 1999 : The most catchy theme tune ever?


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24 Jan 2010, 3:58 am

My favorite series are Doctor Who, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Red Dwarf, and the Star Trek shows, especially DS9 and Voyager.

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26 Jan 2010, 11:26 am

Stargate: Atlantis
Stargate: SG-1
Battlestar Galatica


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27 Jan 2010, 12:43 am

X-Files, by far.


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31 Jan 2010, 1:55 am

I am of course 10,000% in love with Star Trek : DEEP SPACE NINE ! ! !

Especially any scenes with Bashir and / or Garak.

Awesome characters, awesome stories, and a complex, well developed universe.
And even better, in a place where people had to live with the effects of their actions, they had time to develop stories beyond single or even double episodes.

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01 Feb 2010, 11:37 am

I like most sci-fi, though I invariably end up pointing out the continuity errors and so on. Stargate, Babylon 5 and Farscape are my favourites.

One not mentioned is a Canadian series that was a Star Trek spoof called 'Quark!' It was a garbage scow travelling through space and collecting the garbage from the 'real' explorers. The Spock-type character was evolved from plants, which led to one of my favourite lines on TV ever.

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01 Feb 2010, 6:30 pm

I love Firefly - and Serenity

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03 Feb 2010, 11:48 pm

I have been enjoying the new series "V" and I can't wait for the new episodes to start again next month.



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25 Aug 2010, 9:43 pm

some of the best science fiction shows i have ever seen would have to be,

#1 Doctor who (the new series) i have not had the opportunity to see the older episode but my brother used to watch them (and he hats science fiction lol) and he loved it, i have seen every episode of the new series (my favorite being ether Blink or Silence in the Library) not many shows can manage to be hilarious and scary in the same episode within minutes of each other.

#2 Battlestar galactica (the remake) i have sees a few episode of the original and have to i didn't much like it (don't know why) but i loved the remake.

#3 Andromida it was quite good, stilted like a cross between startek and starwars.

#4 Startrek, what list of grate science fiction shows would be complete without startrek?

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25 Aug 2010, 9:46 pm

and Firefly i forgot to add that, i mean come on whats not grate about a western crossed with science fiction

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25 Aug 2010, 10:54 pm

1. BSG
2. StarTrek all series
3. Doctor Who
4. Babylon 5
5. Red Dwarf
6. Stargate SG1
7. X-Files
8. The Outer Limits
9. The Twilight Zone
10. Kolchak - The Night Stalker
11. Lexx

I left out some newer series such as Fringe and Caprica because I want to see how they fair in the new season


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26 Aug 2010, 12:19 am

have not seen british/bbc series, so i'll have to go with:

new battlestar say we all

firefly and the successful movie version, serenity

b5......the last seasons were well thought out. i should've been a vorlon

best tv sci/fi movie.......sci/fi channel's dune. greatest hats ever.